corda / / ObligationUtils / generateCashIssue


@JvmStatic fun generateCashIssue(tx: TransactionBuilder, obligor: AbstractParty, acceptableContract: SecureHash, amount: Amount<Issued<Currency>>, dueBefore: Instant, beneficiary: AbstractParty, notary: Party): Unit

Puts together an issuance transaction for the specified currency obligation amount that starts out being owned by the given pubkey.


tx - transaction builder to add states and commands to.

obligor - the party who is expected to pay some currency amount to fulfil the obligation (also the owner of the obligation).

amount - currency amount the obligor is expected to pay.

dueBefore - the date on which the obligation is due. The default time tolerance is used (currently this is 30 seconds).

beneficiary - the party the obligor is expected to pay.

notary - the notary for this transaction's outputs.