corda / / CashUtils


object CashUtils



Generate a transaction that moves an amount of currency to the given party, and sends any change back to sole identity of the calling node. Fails for nodes with multiple identities.

fun generateSpend(services: ServiceHub, tx: TransactionBuilder, amount: Amount<Currency>, to: AbstractParty, onlyFromParties: Set<AbstractParty> = emptySet()): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>>

Generate a transaction that moves an amount of currency to the given party.

fun generateSpend(services: ServiceHub, tx: TransactionBuilder, amount: Amount<Currency>, ourIdentity: PartyAndCertificate, to: AbstractParty, onlyFromParties: Set<AbstractParty> = emptySet(), anonymous: Boolean = true): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>>

Generate a transaction that moves money of the given amounts to the recipients specified, and sends any change back to sole identity of the calling node. Fails for nodes with multiple identities.

fun generateSpend(services: ServiceHub, tx: TransactionBuilder, payments: List<PartyAndAmount<Currency>>, onlyFromParties: Set<AbstractParty> = emptySet()): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>>

Generate a transaction that moves money of the given amounts to the recipients specified.

fun generateSpend(services: ServiceHub, tx: TransactionBuilder, payments: List<PartyAndAmount<Currency>>, ourIdentity: PartyAndCertificate, onlyFromParties: Set<AbstractParty> = emptySet(), anonymous: Boolean = true): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<PublicKey>>