
data class State<P : Any>(var lifecycle: Obligation.Lifecycle = Lifecycle.NORMAL, val obligor: AbstractParty, val template: Obligation.Terms<P>, val quantity: Long, val beneficiary: AbstractParty) : FungibleAsset<Obligation.Terms<P>> , NettableState<Obligation.State<P>, MultilateralNetState<P>>

A state representing the obligation of one party (obligor) to deliver a specified number of units of an underlying asset (described as token.acceptableIssuedProducts) to the beneficiary no later than the specified time.



the product the obligation is for payment of.


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constructor(lifecycle: Obligation.Lifecycle = Lifecycle.NORMAL, obligor: AbstractParty, template: Obligation.Terms<P>, quantity: Long, beneficiary: AbstractParty)


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open override val amount: Amount<Issued<Obligation.Terms<P>>>

Amount represents a positive quantity of some issued product which can be cash, tokens, assets, or generally anything else that's quantifiable with integer quantities. See Issued and Amount for more details.

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The public key of the entity the contract pays to

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Returns an object used to determine if two states can be subject to close-out netting. If two states return equal objects, they can be close out netted together.

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open override val exitKeys: Collection<PublicKey>

There must be an ExitCommand signed by these keys to destroy the amount. While all states require their owner to sign, some (i.e. cash) also require the issuer.

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Returns an object used to determine if two states can be subject to close-out netting. If two states return equal objects, they can be close out netted together.

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Where the debt originates from (obligor)

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open override val owner: AbstractParty

There must be a MoveCommand signed by this key to claim the amount.

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open override val participants: List<AbstractParty>

A participant is any party that should be notified when the state is created or consumed.

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Obtain the typename of the required ContractClass associated with the target ContractState, using the BelongsToContract annotation by default, but falling through to checking the state's enclosing class if there is one and it inherits from Contract.

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infix fun <T : Any> Obligation.State<T>.at(dueBefore: Instant): Obligation.State<T>
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infix fun <T : Any> Obligation.State<T>.between(parties: <Error class: unknown class><AbstractParty, AbstractParty>): Obligation.State<T>
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Returns the SHA-256 hash of the serialised contents of this state (not cached!)

Returns the hash of the serialised contents of this state (not cached!)

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open override fun net(other: Obligation.State<P>): Obligation.State<P>

Perform bilateral netting of this state with another state. The two states must be compatible (as in bilateralNetState objects are equal).

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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun withNewOwner(newOwner: AbstractParty): CommandAndState

Copies the underlying data structure, replacing the owner field with this new value and leaving the rest alone.

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Copies the underlying data structure, replacing the amount and owner fields with the new values and leaving the rest (exitKeys) alone.