
abstract class AbstractParty(val owningKey: PublicKey) : Destination

An AbstractParty contains the common elements of Party and AnonymousParty, specifically the owning key of the party. In most cases Party or AnonymousParty should be used, depending on use-case.



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constructor(owningKey: PublicKey)


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Anonymised parties do not include any detail apart from owning key, so equality is dependent solely on the key

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun nameOrNull(): CordaX500Name?
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fun ref(vararg bytes: Byte): PartyAndReference
abstract fun ref(bytes: OpaqueBytes): PartyAndReference

Build a reference to something being stored or issued by a party e.g. in a vault or (more likely) on their normal ledger.