
data class CordaX500Name(val commonName: String?, val organisationUnit: String?, val organisation: String, val locality: String, val state: String?, val country: String)

X.500 distinguished name data type customised to how Corda uses names. This restricts the attributes to those Corda supports, and requires that organisation, locality and country attributes are specified. See also RFC 4519 for the underlying attribute type definitions


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constructor(commonName: String, organisation: String, locality: String, country: String)
constructor(organisation: String, locality: String, country: String)
constructor(commonName: String?, organisationUnit: String?, organisation: String, locality: String, state: String?, country: String)


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optional name by the which the entity is usually known. Used only for services (for organisations, the organisation property is the name). Corresponds to the "CN" attribute type.

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country the organisation is in, as an ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code. Corresponds to the "C" attribute type.

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locality of the organisation, typically nearest major city. For distributed services this would be where one of the organisations is based. Corresponds to the "L" attribute type.

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name of the organisation. Corresponds to the "O" attribute type.

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optional name of a unit within the organisation. Corresponds to the "OU" attribute type.

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the full name of the state or province the organisation is based in. Corresponds to the "ST" attribute type.

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Return the X500Principal equivalent of this name.


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open override fun toString(): String
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fun CordaX500Name.toX500Name(): <Error class: unknown class>

Return the underlying X.500 name from this Corda-safe X.500 name. These are guaranteed to have a consistent ordering, such that their toString() function returns the same value every time for the same CordaX500Name.