Package-level declarations


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An abstraction of a byte array, with offset and size that does no copying of bytes unless asked to.

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open class Id<out VALUE : Any>(val value: VALUE, val entityType: String?, val timestamp: Instant)

Represents a unique, timestamped id.

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data class NetworkHostAndPort(val host: String, val port: Int)

Tuple of host and port. Use NetworkHostAndPort.parse on untrusted data.

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class NonEmptySet<T> : Set<T>

An immutable ordered non-empty set.

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open class OpaqueBytes(bytes: ByteArray) : ByteSequence

A simple class that wraps a byte array and makes the equals/hashCode/toString methods work as you actually expect. In an ideal JVM this would be a value type and be completely overhead free. Project Valhalla is adding such functionality to Java, but it won't arrive for a few years yet!

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class OpaqueBytesSubSequence(val bytes: ByteArray, val offset: Int, val size: Int) : ByteSequence

Class is public for serialization purposes.

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A progress tracker helps surface information about the progress of an operation to a user interface or API of some kind. It lets you define a set of steps that represent an operation. A step is represented by an object (typically a singleton).

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interface PropertyDelegate<out T>

Simple interface encapsulating the implicit Kotlin contract for immutable property delegates.

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sealed class Try<out A>

Representation of an operation that has either succeeded with a result (represented by Success) or failed with an exception (represented by Failure).

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class UntrustworthyData<out T>(fromUntrustedWorld: T)

A small utility to approximate taint tracking: if a method gives you back one of these, it means the data came from a remote source that may be incentivised to pass us junk that violates basic assumptions and thus must be checked first. The wrapper helps you to avoid forgetting this vital step. Things you might want to check are:

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Simple interface encapsulating the implicit Kotlin contract for mutable property delegates.


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Extension method for easier construction of Durations in terms of integer days: val twoDays = 2.days.

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Extension method for easier construction of Durations in terms of integer hours: val twoHours = 2.hours.

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const val MAX_HASH_HEX_SIZE: Int = 130

The maximum supported field-size for hash HEX-encoded outputs (e.g. database fields). This value is enough to support hash functions with outputs up to 512 bits (e.g. SHA3-512), in which case 128 HEX characters are required. 130 was selected instead of 128, to allow for 2 extra characters that will be used as hash-scheme identifiers.

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Extension method for easier construction of Durations in terms of integer milliseconds: val twoMillis = 2.millis.

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Extension method for easier construction of Durations in terms of integer minutes: val twoMinutes = 2.minutes.

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Extension method for easier construction of Durations in terms of integer seconds: val twoSeconds = 2.seconds.


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fun ThreadInfo.asString(maxFrames: Int = 256): String

Inspired by ThreadInfo.toString

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Encoding changer. Base58-String to Base64-String, i.e. "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" -> JxF12TrwUP45BMd"

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Encoding changer. Base58-String to Hex-String, i.e. "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" -> "48656C6C6F20576F726C64"

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Base58-String to the actual real String, i.e. "JxF12TrwUP45BMd" -> "Hello World".

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Encoding changer. Base64-String to Base58-String, i.e. "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" -> JxF12TrwUP45BMd"

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Encoding changer. Base64-String to Hex-String, i.e. "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" -> "48656C6C6F20576F726C64"

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Base64-String to the actual real String, i.e. "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" -> "Hello World".

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fun Any.contextLogger(): <Error class: unknown class>

When called from a companion object, returns the logger for the enclosing class.

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inline fun <Error class: unknown class>.debug(msg: () -> String)

Log a DEBUG level message produced by evaluating the given lamdba, but only if DEBUG logging is enabled.

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fun detailedLogger(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns the logger used for detailed logging.

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infix fun Int.exactAdd(b: Int): Int
infix fun Long.exactAdd(b: Long): Long

Like the + operator but throws ArithmeticException in case of integer overflow.

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fun <V> Future<V>.getOrThrow(timeout: Duration? = null): V

Same as Future.get except that the ExecutionException is unwrapped.

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Encoding changer. Hex-String to Base58-String, i.e. "48656C6C6F20576F726C64" -> "JxF12TrwUP45BMd"

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Encoding changer. Hex-String to Base64-String, i.e. "48656C6C6F20576F726C64" -> "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="

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Hex-String to ByteArray. Accept any hex form (capitalized, lowercase, mixed).

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HEX-String to the actual real String, i.e. "48656C6C6F20576F726C64" -> "Hello World".

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inline fun <T : Any> loggerFor(): <Error class: unknown class>

Usually you won't need this method:

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Converts this String of hexadecimal digits into a ByteArray.

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Method to return the PublicKey object given its Base58-String representation.

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fun ByteArray.sequence(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size): ByteSequence

Wrap size bytes from this ByteArray starting from offset into a new ByteArray.

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Convert a byte array to a Base58 encoded String.

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Return the Base58 representation of the serialised public key.

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Convert a byte array to a Base64 encoded String.

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Convert a byte array to a hex (Base16) capitalized encoded String.

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Converts this ByteArray into a String of hexadecimal digits.

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Return the bytes of the SHA-256 output for this public key.

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inline fun <Error class: unknown class>.trace(msg: () -> String)

Log a TRACE level message produced by evaluating the given lamdba, but only if TRACE logging is enabled.

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fun <T> transient(initializer: () -> T): PropertyDelegate<T>

A simple wrapper that enables the use of Kotlin's val x by transient { ... } syntax. Such a property will not be serialized, and if it's missing (or the first time it's accessed), the initializer will be used to set it up.

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inline fun <T, R> UntrustworthyData<T>.unwrap(validator: (T) -> R): R