
data class Success<out A>(val value: A) : Try<A>


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constructor(value: A)


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open override val isFailure: Boolean

Returns true iff the Try is a Success.

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open override val isSuccess: Boolean

Returns true iff the Try is a Failure.

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val value: A


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inline fun <B, C> combine(other: Try<B>, function: (A, B) -> C): Try<C>

Maps the given function to the values from this Success and other, or returns this if this is a Failure or other if other is a Failure.

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Applies the given action to the error if Failure, or does nothing if Success. Returns this for chaining.

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fun doOnSuccess(action: Consumer<in A>): Try<A>

Applies the given action to the value if Success, or does nothing if Failure. Returns this for chaining.

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inline fun <B> flatMap(function: (A) -> Try<B>): Try<B>

Returns the given function applied to the value from this Success, or returns this if this is a Failure.

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open override fun getOrThrow(): A

Returns the value if a Success otherwise throws the exception if a Failure.

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inline fun <B> map(function: (A) -> B): Try<B>

Maps the given function to the value from this Success, or returns this if this is a Failure.

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fun throwError(): Try<A>

If this is a Failure wrapping an Error then throw it, otherwise return this for chaining.

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open override fun toString(): String