
class CordaFutureImpl<V>(impl: CompletableFuture<V> = CompletableFuture()) : Future<V> , OpenFuture<V>

Unless you really want this particular implementation, use openFuture to make one.


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constructor(impl: CompletableFuture<V> = CompletableFuture())


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object Companion


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fun CordaFuture<*>.andForget(log: <Error class: unknown class>)

When this future is done and the outcome is failure, log the throwable.

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open override fun cancel(p0: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun capture(block: () -> V): Boolean

Run the given block (in the foreground) and set this future to its outcome.

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open fun captureLater(f: CordaFuture<out V>)

When the given future has an outcome, make this future have the same outcome.

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Returns a future that will also apply the passed closure when it completes.

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Returns a future that will also apply the passed closure on an error.

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fun <V, W> CordaFuture<out V>.flatMap(transform: (V) -> CordaFuture<out W>): CordaFuture<W>

Returns a future that will have the same outcome as the future returned by the given transform. But if this future or the transform fails, the returned future's outcome is the same throwable. In the case where this future fails, the transform is not invoked.

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open override fun get(): V
open operator override fun get(p0: Long, p1: TimeUnit): V
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fun <V> Future<V>.get(timeout: Duration? = null): V
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fun <V> Future<V>.getOrThrow(timeout: Duration? = null): V

Same as Future.get except that the ExecutionException is unwrapped.

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open override fun isCancelled(): Boolean
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open override fun isDone(): Boolean
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fun <V, W> CordaFuture<out V>.map(transform: (V) -> W): CordaFuture<W>

Returns a future that will have an outcome of applying the given transform to this future's value. But if this future fails, the transform is not invoked and the returned future becomes done with the same throwable.

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Returns a future that will map an error thrown using the provided transform function.

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fun <V, W> Future<V>.match(success: (V) -> W, failure: (Throwable) -> W): W

Invoke getOrThrow and pass the value/throwable to success/failure respectively.

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open override fun set(value: V): Boolean
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open override fun setException(t: Throwable): Boolean
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open override fun <W> then(callback: (CordaFuture<V>) -> W)

Run the given callback when this future is done, on the completion thread. If the completion thread is problematic for you e.g. deadlock, you can submit to an executor manually. If callback fails, its throwable is logged.

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fun <W> thenImpl(log: <Error class: unknown class>, callback: (CordaFuture<V>) -> W)

For testing only.

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fun <V, W, X> CordaFuture<out V>.thenMatch(success: (V) -> W, failure: (Throwable) -> X)

When this future is done, do match.

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open override fun toCompletableFuture(): <Error class: unknown class>
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fun <A> CordaFuture<out A>.toObservable(): <Error class: unknown class><A>