
Looks up identities and attachments from storage to generate a LedgerTransaction. A transaction is expected to have been fully resolved using the resolution flow by this point.


if a required attachment was not found in storage.

if an input points to a transaction not found in storage.

fun toLedgerTransaction(resolveIdentity: (PublicKey) -> Party?, resolveAttachment: (SecureHash) -> Attachment?, resolveStateRef: (StateRef) -> TransactionState<*>?, resolveContractAttachment: (TransactionState<ContractState>) -> AttachmentId?): LedgerTransaction


Use toLedgerTransaction(ServicesForResolution) instead

Looks up identities, attachments and dependent input states using the provided lookup functions in order to construct a LedgerTransaction. Note that identity lookup failure does not cause an exception to be thrown. This invocation doesn't check various rules like no-downgrade or package namespace ownership.


if a required attachment was not found using resolveAttachment.

if an input was not found not using resolveStateRef.