
Subset of node services that are used for loading transactions from the wire into fully resolved, looked up forms ready for verification.



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Provides access to storage of arbitrary JAR files (which may contain only data, no code).

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Provides access to anything relating to cordapps including contract attachment resolution and app context

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The configured instance of DigestService which is passed by default to instances of classes like TransactionBuilder and as a parameter to MerkleTree.getMerkleTree(...) method. Default: SHA2_256.

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An identity service maintains a directory of parties by their associated distinguished name/public keys and thus supports lookup of a party given its key, or name. The service also manages the certificates linking confidential identities back to the well known identity (i.e. the identity in the network map) of a party.

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Returns the network parameters the node is operating under.

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Provides access to historical network parameters that are used in transaction resolution.


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fun ServicesForResolution.ensureMinimumPlatformVersion(requiredMinPlatformVersion: Int, feature: String)
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abstract fun loadContractAttachment(stateRef: StateRef): Attachment

Returns the Attachment that defines the given StateRef, which must be in the visible subset of the ledger.

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abstract fun loadState(stateRef: StateRef): TransactionState<*>

Given a StateRef loads the referenced transaction and looks up the specified output ContractState.

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abstract fun loadStates(stateRefs: Set<StateRef>): Set<StateAndRef<ContractState>>

Given a Set of StateRef's loads the referenced transaction and looks up the specified output ContractState.

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Provides a callback for the Node to customise the LedgerTransaction.