Package-level declarations


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A annotated class requires a constructor taking a single parameter of type AppServiceHub. With the AppServiceHub parameter a is able to access to privileged operations. In particular such a can initiate and track flows marked with net.corda.core.flows.StartableByService.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY])
annotation class AutoAcceptable

Tagging a network parameter with this annotation signifies that any update which modifies the parameter could be accepted without the need for the node operator to run a manual accept command. If the update contains changes for any non-auto-acceptable parameter or the behaviour is switched off via configuration then it will not be auto-accepted

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data class NetworkParameters(val minimumPlatformVersion: Int, val notaries: List<NotaryInfo>, val maxMessageSize: Int, val maxTransactionSize: Int, val modifiedTime: Instant, val epoch: Int, val whitelistedContractImplementations: Map<String, List<AttachmentId>>, val eventHorizon: Duration, val packageOwnership: Map<String, PublicKey>, val recoveryMaximumBackupInterval: Duration? = null, val confidentialIdentityMinimumBackupInterval: Duration? = null)

Network parameters are a set of values that every node participating in the zone needs to agree on and use to correctly interoperate with each other.

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data class NodeDiagnosticInfo(val version: String, val revision: String, val platformVersion: Int, val vendor: String, val cordapps: List<CordappInfo>)

A NodeDiagnosticInfo holds information about the current node version.

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data class NodeInfo(val addresses: List<NetworkHostAndPort>, val legalIdentitiesAndCerts: List<PartyAndCertificate>, val platformVersion: Int, val serial: Long)

Information about a network node that acts on behalf of some party. NodeInfos can be found via the network map cache, accessible from a They are also available via RPC using the net.corda.core.messaging.CordaRPCOps.networkMapSnapshot method.

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data class NotaryInfo(val identity: Party, val validating: Boolean)

Data class storing information about notaries available in the network.

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A service hub is the starting point for most operations you can do inside the node. You are provided with one when a class annotated with CordaService is constructed, and you have access to one inside flows. Most RPCs simply forward to the services found here after some access checking.

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Subset of node services that are used for loading transactions from the wire into fully resolved, looked up forms ready for verification.

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Controls whether the transaction is sent to the vault at all, and if so whether states have to be relevant or not in order to be recorded. Used in ServiceHub.recordTransactions

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When a Corda feature cannot be used due to the node's compatibility zone not enforcing a high enough minimum platform version.