group Abstract Party By Well Known Party
fun groupAbstractPartyByWellKnownParty(serviceHub: ServiceHub, parties: Collection<AbstractParty>, ignoreUnrecognisedParties: Boolean): Map<Party, List<AbstractParty>>
Group each AbstractParty by the well known party using the ServiceHub.identityService, in preparation for creating FlowSessions, for example.
a map of well known Party to associated AbstractPartys.
the AbstractPartys to group.
ignore Unrecognised Parties
if this is false, throw an exception if some of the AbstractPartys cannot be mapped to a Party.
fun groupAbstractPartyByWellKnownParty(serviceHub: ServiceHub, parties: Collection<AbstractParty>): Map<Party, List<AbstractParty>>
Group each AbstractParty by the well known party using the ServiceHub.identityService, in preparation for creating FlowSessions, for example. Throw an exception if some of the AbstractPartys cannot be mapped to a Party.
a map of well known Party to associated AbstractPartys.
the AbstractPartys to group.