
inline fun <T : CommandData> Collection<CommandWithParties<CommandData>>.select(signer: PublicKey? = null, party: AbstractParty? = null): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <C : CommandData> Collection<CommandWithParties<CommandData>>.select(klass: Class<C>, signer: PublicKey? = null, party: AbstractParty? = null): <Error class: unknown class>

Filters the command list by type, party and public key all at once.

inline fun <T : CommandData> Collection<CommandWithParties<CommandData>>.select(signers: Collection<PublicKey>?, parties: Collection<Party>?): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <C : CommandData> Collection<CommandWithParties<CommandData>>.select(klass: Class<C>, signers: Collection<PublicKey>?, parties: Collection<Party>?): <Error class: unknown class>

Filters the command list by type, parties and public keys all at once.