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JsonDeserializer - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
An interface to a custom deserializer of objects of the specified type T from Json.
JsonMarshallingService - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling
JsonMarshallingService marshalls to and from JSON using the registered JSON mapper.
JsonNodeReader - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
Every JsonNodeReader can be thought of as a node in the tree of Json objects being read.
JsonNodeReaderType - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
Possible types of nodes in Json.
JsonSerializedBase64Config - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
When objects are serialized to Json using custom serializers, and they require to be encoded into base64 encoded, this enum can be used to configure how that base64 is written into the Json.
JsonSerializer - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
An interface to a custom serializer of objects of the specified type T into Json.
JsonWriter - class in net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.json
An interface to a creator of Json.
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