corda / net.corda.testing.dsl / TransactionDSL


class TransactionDSL<out T : TransactionDSLInterpreter> : TransactionDSLInterpreter

Underlying class for the transaction DSL. Do not instantiate directly, instead use the transaction function.



Underlying class for the transaction DSL. Do not instantiate directly, instead use the transaction function.

TransactionDSL(interpreter: T, notary: Party)



fun attachment(contractClassName: ContractClassName): Unit
fun attachment(contractClassName: ContractClassName, attachmentId: AttachmentId, signers: List<PublicKey>, jarManifestAttributes: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): Unit
fun attachment(contractClassName: ContractClassName, attachmentId: AttachmentId): Unit


fun attachments(vararg contractClassNames: ContractClassName): Unit


Adds a command to the transaction.

fun command(signer: PublicKey, commandData: CommandData): Unit


Looks up the output label and adds the found state as an input.

fun input(stateLabel: String): Unitfun input(contractClassName: ContractClassName, stateLabel: String): Unit

Creates an LedgerDSLInterpreter._unverifiedTransaction with a single output state and adds its reference as an input to the current transaction.

fun input(contractClassName: ContractClassName, state: ContractState): Unit


Adds a labelled output to the transaction.

fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, label: String, notary: Party, contractState: ContractState): Unit
fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, label: String, encumbrance: Int, contractState: ContractState): Unit
fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, label: String, contractState: ContractState): Unit

Adds an output to the transaction.

fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, notary: Party, contractState: ContractState): Unit
fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, encumbrance: Int, contractState: ContractState): Unit
fun output(contractClassName: ContractClassName, contractState: ContractState): Unit


Looks up the output label and adds the found state as an reference input state.

fun reference(stateLabel: String): Unit

Creates an LedgerDSLInterpreter._unverifiedTransaction with a single reference input state and adds its reference as in input to the current transaction.

fun reference(contractClassName: ContractClassName, state: ContractState): Unit


Sets the TimeWindow of the transaction.

fun timeWindow(time: Instant, tolerance: Duration = 30.seconds): Unit


Creates a local scoped copy of the transaction.

fun tweak(dsl: TransactionDSL<TransactionDSLInterpreter>.() -> EnforceVerifyOrFail): EnforceVerifyOrFail