corda / / KeyManagementService


@DoNotImplement interface KeyManagementService

The KMS is responsible for storing and using private keys to sign things. An implementation of this may, for example, call out to a hardware security module that enforces various auditing and frequency-of-use requirements.



Returns a snapshot of the current signing PublicKeys. For each of these keys a PrivateKey is available, that can be used later for signing.

abstract val keys: Set<PublicKey>



Filter some keys down to the set that this node owns (has private keys for).

abstract fun filterMyKeys(candidateKeys: Iterable<PublicKey>): Iterable<PublicKey>


Generates a new random KeyPair and adds it to the internal key storage. Returns the public part of the pair.

abstract fun freshKey(): PublicKey

Generates a new random KeyPair and adds it to the internal key storage. Associates the public key to an external ID. Returns the public key part of the pair.

abstract fun freshKey(externalId: UUID): PublicKey


Generates a new random KeyPair, adds it to the internal key storage, then generates a corresponding X509Certificate and adds it to the identity service. Associates the public key to an external ID. Returns the public part of the pair.

abstract fun freshKeyAndCert(identity: PartyAndCertificate, revocationEnabled: Boolean): PartyAndCertificate

Generates a new random KeyPair, adds it to the internal key storage, then generates a corresponding X509Certificate and adds it to the identity service.

abstract fun freshKeyAndCert(identity: PartyAndCertificate, revocationEnabled: Boolean, externalId: UUID): PartyAndCertificate


Using the provided signing PublicKey internally looks up the matching PrivateKey and signs the data.

abstract fun sign(bytes: ByteArray, publicKey: PublicKey): WithKey

Using the provided signing PublicKey internally looks up the matching PrivateKey and signs the SignableData.

abstract fun sign(signableData: SignableData, publicKey: PublicKey): TransactionSignature