corda / net.corda.testing.driver / DriverDSL / startNode


open fun startNode(): <ERROR CLASS><NodeHandle>

Start a node using the default values of NodeParameters.

A CordaFuture on the NodeHandle to the node. The future will complete when the node is available and it sees all previously started nodes, including the notaries.

abstract fun startNode(parameters: NodeParameters): <ERROR CLASS><NodeHandle>

Start a node using the parameter values of the given NodeParameters.


parameters - The node parameters.

A CordaFuture on the NodeHandle to the node. The future will complete when the node is available and it sees all previously started nodes, including the notaries.

open fun startNode(defaultParameters: NodeParameters = NodeParameters(), providedName: <ERROR CLASS>? = defaultParameters.providedName, rpcUsers: List<User> = defaultParameters.rpcUsers, verifierType: VerifierType = defaultParameters.verifierType, customOverrides: Map<String, Any?> = defaultParameters.customOverrides, startInSameProcess: Boolean? = defaultParameters.startInSameProcess, maximumHeapSize: String = defaultParameters.maximumHeapSize, logLevelOverride: String? = defaultParameters.logLevelOverride): <ERROR CLASS><NodeHandle>

Start a node.

NOTE: This method does not provide all the node parameters that are available and only exists for backwards compatibility. It is recommended you use NodeParameters.


defaultParameters - The default parameters for the node. If any of the remaining parameters to this method are specified then their values are taken instead of the corresponding value in defaultParameters.

providedName - Optional name of the node, which will be its legal name in Party. Defaults to something random. Note that this must be unique as the driver uses it as a primary key!

rpcUsers - List of users who are authorised to use the RPC system. Defaults to empty list.

verifierType - The type of transaction verifier to use. See: VerifierType.

customOverrides - A map of custom node configuration overrides.

startInSameProcess - Determines if the node should be started inside the same process the Driver is running in. If null the Driver-level value will be used.

maximumHeapSize - The maximum JVM heap size to use for the node as a String. By default a number is interpreted as being in bytes. Append the letter 'k' or 'K' to the value to indicate Kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' to indicate megabytes, and 'g' or 'G' to indicate gigabytes. The default value is "512m" = 512 megabytes.

logLevelOverride - log4j log level used to override the default value of info.

A CordaFuture on the NodeHandle to the node. The future will complete when the node is available and it sees all previously started nodes, including the notaries.

open fun startNode(defaultParameters: NodeParameters = NodeParameters(), providedName: <ERROR CLASS>? = defaultParameters.providedName, rpcUsers: List<User> = defaultParameters.rpcUsers, verifierType: VerifierType = defaultParameters.verifierType, customOverrides: Map<String, Any?> = defaultParameters.customOverrides, startInSameProcess: Boolean? = defaultParameters.startInSameProcess, maximumHeapSize: String = defaultParameters.maximumHeapSize): <ERROR CLASS><NodeHandle>

Start a node.

NOTE: This method does not provide all the node parameters that are available and only exists for backwards compatibility. It is recommended you use NodeParameters.


defaultParameters - The default parameters for the node. If any of the remaining parameters to this method are specified then their values are taken instead of the corresponding value in defaultParameters.

providedName - Optional name of the node, which will be its legal name in Party. Defaults to something random. Note that this must be unique as the driver uses it as a primary key!

rpcUsers - List of users who are authorised to use the RPC system. Defaults to empty list.

verifierType - The type of transaction verifier to use. See: VerifierType.

customOverrides - A map of custom node configuration overrides.

startInSameProcess - Determines if the node should be started inside the same process the Driver is running in. If null the Driver-level value will be used.

maximumHeapSize - The maximum JVM heap size to use for the node as a String. By default a number is interpreted as being in bytes. Append the letter 'k' or 'K' to the value to indicate Kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' to indicate megabytes, and 'g' or 'G' to indicate gigabytes. The default value is "512m" = 512 megabytes.

A CordaFuture on the NodeHandle to the node. The future will complete when the node is available and it sees all previously started nodes, including the notaries.