
This interface defines the bare bone functionality that a Ledger DSL interpreter should implement.

TODO (Kotlin 1.1): Use type synonyms to make the type params less unwieldy



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abstract fun _transaction(transactionLabel: String?, transactionBuilder: <Error class: unknown class>, dsl: T.() -> EnforceVerifyOrFail): <Error class: unknown class>

Creates and adds a transaction to the ledger.

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abstract fun _tweak(dsl: LedgerDSLInterpreter<T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a local scoped copy of the ledger.

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abstract fun _unverifiedTransaction(transactionLabel: String?, transactionBuilder: <Error class: unknown class>, dsl: T.() -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Creates and adds a transaction to the ledger that will not be verified by verifies.

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abstract fun attachment(attachment: InputStream): <Error class: unknown class>

Adds an attachment to the ledger.

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Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.

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open infix fun fails with(msg: String): EnforceVerifyOrFail
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open fun failsWith(expectedMessage: String?): EnforceVerifyOrFail

Asserts that verifies() throws.

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abstract fun <S> retrieveOutputStateAndRef(clazz: Class<S>, label: String): <Error class: unknown class><S>

Retrieves an output previously defined by TransactionDSLInterpreter.output with a label passed in.

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Verifies the ledger/transaction, throws if the verification fails.