
abstract class AbstractCashSelection(maxRetries: Int = 8, retrySleep: Int = 100, retryCap: Int = 2000)

Pluggable interface to allow for different cash selection provider implementations Default implementation in finance workflow module uses H2 database and a custom function within H2 to perform aggregation. Custom implementations must implement this interface and declare their implementation in META-INF/services/net.corda.finance.workflows.asset.selection.AbstractCashSelection.



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constructor(maxRetries: Int = 8, retrySleep: Int = 100, retryCap: Int = 2000)


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object Companion


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abstract override fun toString(): String
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fun unconsumedCashStatesForSpending(services: <Error class: unknown class>, amount: <Error class: unknown class><Currency>, onlyFromIssuerParties: Set<<Error class: unknown class>> = emptySet(), notary: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, lockId: UUID, withIssuerRefs: Set<<Error class: unknown class>> = emptySet()): List<<Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>>

Query to gather Cash states that are available and retry if they are temporarily unavailable.