
Classes for manipulating a two party deal or agreement.


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open class Acceptor(val otherSideSession: <Error class: unknown class>, val progressTracker: <Error class: unknown class> = Secondary.tracker()) : TwoPartyDealFlow.Secondary<TwoPartyDealFlow.AutoOffer>

One side of the flow for inserting a pre-agreed deal.

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data class AutoOffer(val notary: <Error class: unknown class>, val dealBeingOffered: <Error class: unknown class>)
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data class Handshake<out T>(val payload: T, val primaryIdentity: <Error class: unknown class>, val secondaryIdentity: <Error class: unknown class>)

This object is serialised to the network and is the first flow message the seller sends to the buyer.

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open class Instigator(val otherSideSession: <Error class: unknown class>, val payload: TwoPartyDealFlow.AutoOffer, val progressTracker: <Error class: unknown class> = Primary.tracker()) : TwoPartyDealFlow.Primary

One side of the flow for inserting a pre-agreed deal.

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abstract class Primary(val progressTracker: <Error class: unknown class> = Primary.tracker())

Abstracted bilateral deal flow participant that initiates communication/handshake.

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abstract class Secondary<U>(val progressTracker: <Error class: unknown class> = Secondary.tracker())

Abstracted bilateral deal flow participant that is recipient of initial communication.