
interface FlowRPCOps


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abstract fun debugCheckpoints()
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abstract fun dumpCheckpoints()
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abstract fun pauseAllFlows(): Boolean

Schedule all flows to pause.

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Schedule all Hospitalized flows to pause.

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abstract fun pauseFlow(id: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Schedule a flow to pause. The flow might run until the next suspension point before pausing.

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abstract fun recoverAllFinalityFlows(forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<<Error class: unknown class>, Boolean>

Recover all failed finality flows as determined by associated status. Specifically, FlowState.FAILED TransactionStatus.IN_FLIGHT forceRecover will also attempt to

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abstract fun recoverFinalityFlow(id: <Error class: unknown class>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Boolean

Recover a failed finality flow by id. forceRecover will attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.

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abstract fun recoverFinalityFlowByTxnId(txnId: <Error class: unknown class>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Boolean

Recover a failed finality flow by transaction id. forceRecover will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state. This operation will attempt to recovery failed peers if the initiator-side of the transaction completed successfully.

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abstract fun recoverFinalityFlowByTxnIds(txnIds: Set<<Error class: unknown class>>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<<Error class: unknown class>, Boolean>

Recover a specified set of failed finality flows by transaction id. forceRecover will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state. This operation will attempt to recovery failed peers if the initiator-side of the transaction completed successfully.

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abstract fun recoverFinalityFlows(ids: Set<<Error class: unknown class>>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<<Error class: unknown class>, Boolean>

Recover a specified set of failed finality flows by id. forceRecover will attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.

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abstract fun recoverFinalityFlowsMatching(query: <Error class: unknown class>, forceRecover: Boolean = false): Map<<Error class: unknown class>, Boolean>

Recover flows matching the specified query criteria. forceRecover will also attempt to recover flows which are in a RUNNABLE, PAUSED or HOSPITALIZED state.

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Retry all paused flows.

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Retry all paused flows which were hospitalised (before paused).

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abstract fun retryFlow(id: <Error class: unknown class>): Boolean

Retry a Hospitalised flow or a paused flow.