- FAILED - enum entry in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital.FlowState
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.LedgerDSLInterpreter
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.TransactionDSLInterpreter
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails() - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies throws, with no condition on the exception message.
- fails with(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.LedgerDSLInterpreter
- fails with(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.TransactionDSLInterpreter
- fails with(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- fails with(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- fails with(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- failsWith(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.LedgerDSLInterpreter
- Asserts that verifies() throws.
- failsWith(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.TransactionDSLInterpreter
- Asserts that verifies() throws.
- failsWith(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies() throws.
- failsWith(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies() throws.
- failsWith(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.dsl.Verifies
- Asserts that verifies() throws.
- fakeAttachment(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.util.Map) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.InternalTestUtilsKt
- fakeAttachment(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.util.Map) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.InternalTestUtilsKt
- Convenience method for creating a fake attachment containing a file with some content.
- fillInStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- fillWithDummyState(java.util.List) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- Records a dummy state in the Vault (useful for creating random states when testing vault queries)
- fillWithSomeTestCash(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.Integer,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.util.Random,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.Integer) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- Creates a random set of between (by default) 3 and 10 cash states that add up to the given amount and adds them to the vault.
- fillWithSomeTestCommodity(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- fillWithSomeTestDeals(java.util.List,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.util.List,java.lang.Boolean) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- fillWithSomeTestLinearAndDealStates(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.util.List,java.lang.String,java.lang.Long,java.lang.Boolean,java.time.Instant) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- fillWithSomeTestLinearStates(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.util.List,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.String,java.lang.Long,java.lang.Boolean,java.time.Instant,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.Boolean) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- fillWithTestStates(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.util.List,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.Boolean,.<Error class: unknown class>,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function3) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.VaultFiller
- filterMyKeys(java.lang.Iterable) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.MockKeyManagementService
- finalizeTransaction(.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.MockTransactionStorage
- finalizeTransactionWithExtraSignatures(.<Error class: unknown class>,java.util.Collection) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.MockTransactionStorage
- FinanceWorkflowsUtilsKt - class in net.corda.finance.workflows.utils
- findCordapp(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.node.TestCordapp.Companion
- Scans the current classpath to find the CorDapp that contains the given package.
- findCordapp(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.InternalTestUtilsKt
- Find the single CorDapp jar on the current classpath which contains the given package.
- findStateMachines(java.lang.Class) - function in net.corda.testing.node.StartedMockNode
- Returns the currently live flows of type flowClass, and their corresponding result future.
- fixedCrlSource(java.util.Set) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.InternalTestUtilsKt
- FLOW - enum entry in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital.InvocationSource
- FlowCordappContext - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- FlowInfo - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- FlowInvocationContext - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- FlowRPCOps - class in net.corda.client.rpc.proxy
- FlowStackSnapshotFactoryImpl - class in net.corda.testing.internal
- FlowState - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- State of the flow on latest checkpoint
- FlowStatusQuery - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- Defines filters to lists flows with a checkpoint in the node that have not completed
- FlowStatusQueryV2 - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- Defines filters to lists flows with a checkpoint in the node that have not completed
- FlowTestsUtilsKt - class in net.corda.testing.flows
- FlowTimeWindow - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital
- FlowTimeWindow.Companion - class in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital.FlowTimeWindow
- follower() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.ShutdownManager
- forceClose() - function in net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCConnection
- Closes this client without notifying the server.
- forceClose() - function in net.corda.client.rpc.RPCConnection
- Closes this client without notifying the server.
- forceClose() - function in net.corda.client.rpc.internal.ReconnectingCordaRPCOps.ReconnectingRPCConnection
- Closes this client without notifying the server.
- freshKeyInternal(java.util.UUID,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.MockKeyManagementService
- from(T,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.flows.FlowTestsUtilsKt
- Creates a [Pair(session, Class)] from this Class.
- from(java.util.Map,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.flows.FlowTestsUtilsKt
- Extracts data from a [MapFlowSession, UntrustworthyData<Any>] without performing checks and casting to R.
- from(kotlin.reflect.KClass,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.flows.FlowTestsUtilsKt
- Creates a [Pair(session, Class)] from this KClass.
- fromHostAndPort(.<Error class: unknown class>,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.testing.http.HttpApi.Companion
- fromOnly(java.time.Instant) - function in net.corda.nodeapi.flow.hospital.FlowTimeWindow.Companion
- fromUserList(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,java.util.List) - function in net.corda.testing.internal.InternalTestUtilsKt
- Instantiate RPCSecurityManager initialised with users data from a list of User