
object Companion


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fun makeTestDatabaseAndMockServices(cordappPackages: List<String>, identityService: IdentityService, initialIdentity: <Error class: unknown class>, networkParameters: NetworkParameters = testNetworkParameters(modifiedTime = Instant.MIN), vararg moreKeys: KeyPair): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>, MockServices>

Makes database and mock services appropriate for unit tests.

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fun makeTestDatabaseAndPersistentServices(cordappPackages: List<String>, initialIdentity: <Error class: unknown class>, networkParameters: NetworkParameters = testNetworkParameters(modifiedTime = Instant.MIN), moreKeys: Set<KeyPair>, moreIdentities: Set<PartyAndCertificate>, cacheFactory: TestingNamedCacheFactory = TestingNamedCacheFactory()): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>, MockServices>

Makes database and persistent services appropriate for unit tests which require persistence across the vault, identity service and key managment service.

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fun makeTestDataSourceProperties(nodeName: String = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString()): Properties

Make properties appropriate for creating a DataSource for unit tests.