
open class BusinessCalendar(val holidayDates: SortedSet<LocalDate>)

A business calendar performs date calculations that take into account national holidays and weekends. This is a typical feature of financial contracts, in which a business may not want a payment event to fall on a day when no staff are around to handle problems.


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constructor(holidayDates: SortedSet<LocalDate>)


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object Companion


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open fun applyRollConvention(testDate: LocalDate, dateRollConvention: DateRollConvention): LocalDate
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isWorkingDay(date: LocalDate): Boolean
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Returns a date which is the inbound date plus/minus a given number of business days. TODO: Make more efficient if necessary

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operator fun plus(other: BusinessCalendar): BusinessCalendar
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open override fun toString(): String