
fun <T : ContractState, K : Any> groupStates(ofType: Class<T>, selector: (T) -> K): List<LedgerTransaction.InOutGroup<T, K>>

Given a type and a function that returns a grouping key, associates inputs and outputs together so that they can be processed as one. The grouping key is any arbitrary object that can act as a map key (so must implement equals and hashCode).

The purpose of this function is to simplify the writing of verification logic for transactions that may contain similar but unrelated state evolutions which need to be checked independently. Consider a transaction that simultaneously moves both dollars and euros (e.g. is an atomic FX trade). There may be multiple dollar inputs and multiple dollar outputs, depending on things like how fragmented the owner's vault is and whether various privacy techniques are in use. The quantity of dollars on the output side must sum to the same as on the input side, to ensure no money is being lost track of. This summation and checking must be repeated independently for each currency. To solve this, you would use groupStates with a type of Cash.State and a selector that returns the currency field: the resulting list can then be iterated over to perform the per-currency calculation.

inline fun <T : ContractState, K : Any> groupStates(noinline selector: (T) -> K): List<LedgerTransaction.InOutGroup<T, K>>

See the documentation for the reflection-based version of groupStates