
Parameters to serialization and deserialization.


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The use case that we are serializing for, since it influences the implementations chosen.


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If true, deserialization calls using this context will not fallback to using the Class Carpenter to attempt to construct classes present in the schema but not on the current classpath.

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Additional custom serializers that will be made available during (de)serialization.

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The class loader to use for deserialization.

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If non-null, apply this encoding (typically compression) when serializing.

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A whitelist that determines (mostly for security purposes) whether a particular encoding may be used when deserializing.

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If true the carpenter will happily synthesis classes that implement interfaces containing methods that are not getters for any AMQP fields. Invoking these methods will throw an AbstractMethodError. If false then an exception will be thrown during deserialization instead.

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Duplicate references to the same object preserved in the wire format and when deserialized when this is true, otherwise they appear as new copies of the object.

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When serializing, use the format this header sequence represents.

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abstract val preventDataLoss: Boolean

If true the serialization evolver will fail if the binary to be deserialized contains more fields then the current object from the classpath.

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abstract val properties: Map<Any, Any>

A map of any additional properties specific to the particular use case.

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The use case we are serializing or deserializing for. See UseCase.

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A whitelist that contains (mostly for security purposes) which classes can be serialized and deserialized.


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Does not do anything.

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Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the deserialization class loader changed.

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Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the given serializers added.

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A shallow copy of this context but with the given (possibly null) encoding.

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A shallow copy of this context but with the given encoding whitelist.

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Return a new context based on this one but with a lenient carpenter.

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Returns a copy of the current context with carpentry of unknown classes disabled. On encountering such a class during deserialization the Serialization framework will throw a NotSerializableException.

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Helper method to return a new context based on this context with object references disabled.

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Helper method to return a new context based on this context but with serialization using the format this header sequence represents.

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Return a new context based on this one but with a strict evolution.

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abstract fun withProperties(extraProperties: Map<Any, Any>): SerializationContext

Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the extra properties added.

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abstract fun withProperty(property: Any, value: Any): SerializationContext

Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the property added.

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Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the given list of classes specifically whitelisted.

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abstract fun withWhitelisted(clazz: Class<*>): SerializationContext

Helper method to return a new context based on this context with the given class specifically whitelisted.