
data class Update<U : ContractState>(val consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, val produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, val flowId: UUID? = null, val type: Vault.UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL, val references: Set<StateAndRef<U>> = emptySet(), val consumingTxIds: Map<StateRef, SecureHash> = emptyMap())

Represents an update observed by the vault that will be notified to observers. Include the StateRefs of transaction outputs that were consumed (inputs) and the ContractStates produced (outputs) to/by the transaction or transactions observed and the vault.

If the vault observes multiple transactions simultaneously, where some transactions consume the outputs of some of the other transactions observed, then the changes are observed "net" of those.


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constructor(consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, flowId: UUID? = null, type: Vault.UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL, references: Set<StateAndRef<U>> = emptySet())
constructor(consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, flowId: UUID? = null, type: Vault.UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL, references: Set<StateAndRef<U>> = emptySet(), consumingTxIds: Map<StateRef, SecureHash> = emptyMap())


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val flowId: UUID? = null
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Specifies the type of update, currently supported types are general and, contract upgrade and notary change. Notary change transactions only modify the notary field on states, and potentially need to be handled differently.


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Checks whether the update contains a state of the specified type.

Checks whether the update contains a state of the specified type and state status

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fun copy(consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, flowId: UUID? = null, type: Vault.UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL): Vault.Update<U>
fun copy(consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>, flowId: UUID? = null, type: Vault.UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL, references: Set<StateAndRef<U>> = emptySet()): Vault.Update<U>

Additional copy method to maintain backwards compatibility.

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operator fun plus(rhs: Vault.Update<U>): Vault.Update<U>

Combine two updates into a single update with the combined inputs and outputs of the two updates but net any outputs of the left-hand-side (this) that are consumed by the inputs of the right-hand-side (rhs).

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open override fun toString(): String