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abstract val currentHash: SecureHash

Hash of the current parameters for the network.

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abstract val defaultHash: SecureHash

For backwards compatibility, this parameters hash will be used for resolving historical transactions in the chain.


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abstract fun getEpochFromHash(hash: SecureHash): Int?

Return parameters epoch for the given parameters hash. Null if there are no parameters for this hash in the storage and we are unable to get them from network map.

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abstract fun getHistoricNotary(party: Party): NotaryInfo?

Returns the NotaryInfo for a notary party in the current or any historic network parameter whitelist, or null if not found.

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abstract fun hasParameters(hash: SecureHash): Boolean

Checks if parameters with given hash are in the storage.

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abstract fun lookup(hash: SecureHash): NetworkParameters?

Return the network parameters with the given hash, or null if it doesn't exist.

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Return signed network parameters with certificate for the given hash. Null if there are no parameters for this hash in the storage. (No fallback to network map.)

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abstract fun saveParameters(signedNetworkParameters: SignedDataWithCert<NetworkParameters>)

Save signed network parameters data. Internally network parameters bytes should be stored with the signature. It's because of ability of older nodes to function in network where parameters were extended with new fields. Hash should always be calculated over the serialized bytes.

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abstract fun setCurrentParameters(currentSignedParameters: SignedDataWithCert<NetworkParameters>, trustRoots: Set<X509Certificate>)

Set information that given parameters are current parameters for the network.