
data class CordappImpl(val jarFile: Path, val contractClassNames: List<String>, val initiatedFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, val rpcFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, val serviceFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, val schedulableFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, val services: List<Class<out SerializeAsToken>>, val telemetryComponents: List<Class<out TelemetryComponent>>, val serializationWhitelists: List<SerializationWhitelist>, val serializationCustomSerializers: List<SerializationCustomSerializer<*, *>>, val checkpointCustomSerializers: List<CheckpointCustomSerializer<*, *>>, val customSchemas: Set<MappedSchema>, val allFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, val info: Cordapp.Info, val minimumPlatformVersion: Int, val targetPlatformVersion: Int, val jarHash: SecureHash.SHA256 = jarFile.hash, val languageVersion: LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Data, val notaryService: Class<out NotaryService>? = null, val isLoaded: Boolean = true, explicitCordappClasses: List<String> = emptyList(), val isVirtual: Boolean = false) : Cordapp


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constructor(jarFile: Path, contractClassNames: List<String>, initiatedFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, rpcFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, serviceFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, schedulableFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, services: List<Class<out SerializeAsToken>>, telemetryComponents: List<Class<out TelemetryComponent>>, serializationWhitelists: List<SerializationWhitelist>, serializationCustomSerializers: List<SerializationCustomSerializer<*, *>>, checkpointCustomSerializers: List<CheckpointCustomSerializer<*, *>>, customSchemas: Set<MappedSchema>, allFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>, info: Cordapp.Info, minimumPlatformVersion: Int, targetPlatformVersion: Int, jarHash: SecureHash.SHA256 = jarFile.hash, languageVersion: LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Data, notaryService: Class<out NotaryService>? = null, isLoaded: Boolean = true, explicitCordappClasses: List<String> = emptyList(), isVirtual: Boolean = false)


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object Companion


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open override val allFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>

List of all flow classes

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List of serializers for checkpoints

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open override val contractClassNames: List<String>

List of contracts

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open override val cordappClasses: List<String>

An exhaustive list of all classes relevant to the node within this CorDapp

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open override val customSchemas: Set<MappedSchema>

List of custom schemas

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open override val info: Cordapp.Info
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open override val initiatedFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>

List of initiatable flow classes

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val isLoaded: Boolean = true

Indicates whether the CorDapp is loaded from external sources, or generated on node startup (virtual).

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val isVirtual: Boolean = false
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open override val jarHash: SecureHash.SHA256

Hash of the jar

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open override val jarPath: URL

The path to the JAR for this CorDapp

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open override val minimumPlatformVersion: Int

The minimum platform version this CorDapp will run on.

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open override val name: String

Cordapp name - derived from the base name of the Cordapp JAR (therefore may not be unique). This is different to Cordapp.Info.shortName which should be used instead.

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open override val rpcFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>

List of RPC initiable flows classes

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open override val schedulableFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>

List of flows startable by the scheduler

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List of serializers

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List of Corda plugin registries

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open override val serviceFlows: List<Class<out FlowLogic<*>>>

List of initiable flows classes

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open override val services: List<Class<out SerializeAsToken>>

List of RPC services

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open override val targetPlatformVersion: Int

The target platform version this CorDapp was designed and tested on.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int