
Holds a proxy object implementing I that forwards requests to the RPC server. The server version can be queried via this interface.

Closeable.close may be used to shut down the connection and release associated resources. It is an alias for notifyServerAndClose.



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abstract val proxy: I

Holds a synthetic class that automatically forwards method calls to the server, and returns the response.

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The RPC protocol version reported by the server.


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open override fun close()
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abstract fun forceClose()

Closes this client without notifying the server.

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abstract fun <T> getTelemetryHandle(telemetryClass: Class<T>): T?

Returns the configured openTelemetry global. Returns null if opentelemetry has not been configured.

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abstract fun notifyServerAndClose()

Closes this client gracefully by sending a notification to the server, so it can immediately clean up resources. If the server is not available this method may block for a short period until it's clear the server is not coming back.