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D30 - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30E - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30F - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30G - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30N - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30P - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
D30Z - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
DActual - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
DActualJ - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
Daily - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.Frequency
data() - function in net.corda.core.node.services.Vault.ConstraintInfo
databaseFilename(java.nio.file.Path) - function in net.corda.testing.node.DatabaseSnapshot
DatabaseSnapshot - class in net.corda.testing.node
DataFeed - class in net.corda.core.messaging
The Data feed contains a snapshot of the requested data and an Observable of future updates.
DataVendingFlow - class in net.corda.core.flows
DateRollConvention - class in net.corda.finance.contracts
This reflects what happens if a date on which a business event is supposed to happen actually falls upon a non-working day.
DateRollDirection - class in net.corda.finance.contracts
This is utilised in the DateRollConvention class to determine which way we should initially step when finding a business day.
Day - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.Tenor.TimeUnit
DayCountBasisDay - class in net.corda.finance.contracts
This forms the day part of the "Day Count Basis" used for interest calculation.
DayCountBasisYear - class in net.corda.finance.contracts
This forms the year part of the "Day Count Basis" used for interest calculation.
daysToMaturity(java.time.LocalDate,net.corda.finance.contracts.BusinessCalendar) - function in net.corda.finance.contracts.Tenor
DBus_SaoPaulo - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.DayCountBasisDay
DealState - class in net.corda.finance.contracts
Interface representing an agreement that exposes various attributes that are common.
debug(.<Error class: unknown class>,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.KotlinUtilsKt
Log a DEBUG level message produced by evaluating the given lamdba, but only if DEBUG logging is enabled.
debugCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.internal.messaging.FlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints, alongside with the node's main jar, all CorDapps and driver jars into a zip file in the node's log directory.
debugCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.messaging.flows.CheckpointRpcHelper.CloseableFlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints, alongside with the node's main jar, all CorDapps and driver jars into a zip file in the node's log directory.
debugCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.messaging.flows.FlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints, alongside with the node's main jar, all CorDapps and driver jars into a zip file in the node's log directory.
decapitalize(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.core.internal.InternalUtilsKt
DeclaredField - class in net.corda.core.internal
A simple wrapper around a Field object providing type safe read and write access using value, ignoring the field's visibility.
declaredField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class,java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.core.internal.InternalUtilsKt
Returns a DeclaredField wrapper around the (possibly non-public) instance field of the receiver object, but declared in its superclass clazz.
declaredField(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.core.internal.InternalUtilsKt
Returns a DeclaredField wrapper around the declared (possibly non-public) instance field of the receiver object.
declaredField(java.lang.Object,kotlin.reflect.KClass,java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.core.internal.InternalUtilsKt
Returns a DeclaredField wrapper around the (possibly non-public) instance field of the receiver object, but declared in its superclass clazz.
decodePrivateKey(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode a PKCS8 encoded key to its PrivateKey object.
decodePrivateKey(java.lang.String,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode a PKCS8 encoded key to its PrivateKey object based on the input scheme code name.
decodePrivateKey(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode a PKCS8 encoded key to its PrivateKey object based on the input scheme code name.
decodePublicKey(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode an X509 encoded key to its PublicKey object.
decodePublicKey(java.lang.String,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode an X509 encoded key to its PrivateKey object based on the input scheme code name.
decodePublicKey(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Decode an X509 encoded key to its PrivateKey object based on the input scheme code name.
decrypt(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.MockEncryptionService
DEFAULTED - enum entry in net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Obligation.Lifecycle

Indicates the contract has not been settled by its due date. Once in the defaulted state, it can only be reverted to NORMAL state by the beneficiary.

defaultEnabled() - function in net.corda.testing.driver.JmxPolicy.Companion
Returns a default JmxPolicy that turns on monitoring.
defaultVerifier(net.corda.core.transactions.LedgerTransaction,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.transactions.LedgerTransactionKt
deleteRecursively(java.nio.file.Path) - function in net.corda.core.internal.PathUtilsKt
Deletes this path (if it exists) and if it's a directory, all its child paths recursively.
DeprecatedConstructorForDeserialization - class in net.corda.core.serialization
This annotation is a marker to indicate which secondary constructors should be considered, and in which order, for evolving objects during their deserialization.
deriveKeyPair(java.security.PrivateKey,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Deterministically generate/derive a KeyPair using an existing private key and a seed as inputs.
deriveKeyPair(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,java.security.PrivateKey,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Deterministically generate/derive a KeyPair using an existing private key and a seed as inputs.
deriveKeyPairFromEntropy(java.math.BigInteger) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Returns a DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_SCHEME key pair derived from the given BigInteger entropy.
deriveKeyPairFromEntropy(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,java.math.BigInteger) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Returns a key pair derived from the given BigInteger entropy.
deriveState(net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionState,net.corda.core.contracts.Amount,net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty) - function in net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash
Derive a new transaction state based on the given example, with amount and owner modified.
deriveState(net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionState,net.corda.core.contracts.Amount,net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty) - function in net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.OnLedgerAsset
Derive a new transaction state based on the given example, with amount and owner modified.
DESC - enum entry in net.corda.core.node.services.vault.Sort.Direction
description() - function in net.corda.core.identity.Party
deserialiseCommands(java.util.List,java.lang.Boolean,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext,net.corda.core.crypto.DigestService) - function in net.corda.core.internal.TransactionUtilsKt
Method to deserialise Commands from its two groups:
  • COMMANDS_GROUP which contains the CommandData part

  • and SIGNERS_GROUP which contains the Signers part.

This method used the deserialiseComponentGroup method.
deserialiseComponentGroup(java.util.List,kotlin.reflect.KClass,net.corda.core.contracts.ComponentGroupEnum,java.lang.Boolean,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.internal.TransactionUtilsKt
This function knows how to deserialize a transaction component group.
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.AmountDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.AnonymousPartyDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.CordaX500NameDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.NodeInfoDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.OpaqueBytesDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.PartyDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.PublicKeyDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport.SecureHashDeserializer
deserialize(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in net.corda.client.jackson.internal.SimpleDeserializer
deserialize(net.corda.core.utilities.OpaqueBytes) - function in net.corda.core.internal.telemetry.TelemetryServiceImpl
deserialize(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,java.lang.Class,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationSchemeContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.CustomSerializationScheme
This method must deserialize the data stored bytes into an instance of T.
deserialize(java.sql.Blob,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationAPIKt
Convenience extension method for deserializing a JDBC Blob, utilising the defaults.
deserialize(kotlin.ByteArray,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationAPIKt
Convenience extension method for deserializing a ByteArray, utilising the defaults.
deserialize(net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationAPIKt
Convenience extension method for deserializing SerializedBytes with type matching, utilising the defaults.
deserialize(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationAPIKt
Convenience extension method for deserializing a ByteSequence, utilising the defaults.
deserialize(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,java.lang.Class,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory
Deserialize the bytes in to an object, using the prefixed bytes to determine the format.
deserialize(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,java.lang.Class,net.corda.core.serialization.internal.CheckpointSerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.internal.CheckpointSerializer
deserializeWithCompatibleContext(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationAPIKt
Additionally returns SerializationContext which was used for encoding.
deserializeWithCompatibleContext(net.corda.core.utilities.ByteSequence,java.lang.Class,net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext) - function in net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationFactory
Deserialize the bytes in to an object, using the prefixed bytes to determine the format.
Destination - class in net.corda.core.flows
An abstraction for flow session destinations.
destroy() - function in javax.security.auth.Destroyable
detailedLogger() - function in net.corda.core.utilities.KotlinUtilsKt
Returns the logger used for detailed logging.
DiagnosticsService - class in net.corda.core.node.services.diagnostics
A DiagnosticsService provides APIs that allow CorDapps to query information about the node that CorDapp is currently running on.
DIED - enum entry in net.corda.client.rpc.internal.ReconnectingCordaRPCOps.ReconnectingRPCConnection.CurrentState
digest(kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.DigestAlgorithm
Computes the digest of the ByteArray.
DigestAlgorithm - class in net.corda.core.crypto
Interface for injecting custom digest implementation bypassing JCA.
DigestAlgorithmFactory - class in net.corda.core.crypto.internal
DigestAlgorithmFactory.Companion - class in net.corda.core.crypto.internal.DigestAlgorithmFactory
digestLengthFor(java.lang.String) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash.Companion
DigestService - class in net.corda.core.crypto
The DigestService class is a service that offers the main crypto methods for calculating transaction hashes and building Merkle trees.
DigestService.Companion - class in net.corda.core.crypto.DigestService
DigestServiceKt - class in net.corda.core.crypto
DigitalSignature - class in net.corda.core.crypto
A wrapper around a digital signature.
DigitalSignature.WithKey - class in net.corda.core.crypto.DigitalSignature
A digital signature that identifies who the public key is owned by.
DigitalSignatureWithCert - class in net.corda.core.internal
A digital signature with attached certificate of the public key and (optionally) the remaining chain of the certificates from the certificate path.
DirectStatePersistable - class in net.corda.core.schemas
Marker interface to denote a persistable Corda state entity that exposes the transaction id and index as composite key called stateRef.
disableDBCloseOnStop() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.InternalMockNetwork.MockNode
dispose() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.TestStartedNode
DistributionList - class in net.corda.core.flows
DistributionList.ReceiverDistributionList - class in net.corda.core.flows.DistributionList
DistributionList.SenderDistributionList - class in net.corda.core.flows.DistributionList
DistributionRecord - class in net.corda.core.flows
DistributionRecordKey - class in net.corda.core.flows
DistributionRecords - class in net.corda.core.flows
DistributionRecordType - class in net.corda.core.flows
div(net.corda.core.crypto.internal.Curve25519.ModP) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.internal.Curve25519.ModP
div(java.time.Duration,java.lang.Long) - function in net.corda.core.internal.InternalUtilsKt
DOLLARS(java.lang.Double) - function in net.corda.finance.CurrenciesKt
DOLLARS(java.lang.Integer) - function in net.corda.finance.CurrenciesKt
DOLLARS(java.lang.Long) - function in net.corda.finance.CurrenciesKt
doneFuture(V) - function in net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.CordaFutureImplKt
DoNotImplement - class in net.corda.core
This annotation is for interfaces and abstract classes that provide Corda functionality to user applications.
doOnComplete(net.corda.core.concurrent.CordaFuture,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.CordaFutureImplKt
Returns a future that will also apply the passed closure when it completes.
doOnError(net.corda.core.messaging.DataFeed,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in net.corda.core.UtilsKt
Returns a DataFeed that processes errors according to the provided action.
doOnError(net.corda.core.concurrent.CordaFuture,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.CordaFutureImplKt
Returns a future that will also apply the passed closure on an error.
doOnFailure(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the error if Failure, or does nothing if Success.
doOnFailure(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the error if Failure, or does nothing if Success.
doOnFailure(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the error if Failure, or does nothing if Success.
doOnSuccess(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the value if Success, or does nothing if Failure.
doOnSuccess(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the value if Success, or does nothing if Failure.
doOnSuccess(java.util.function.Consumer) - function in net.corda.core.utilities.Try
Applies the given action to the value if Success, or does nothing if Failure.
DOORMAN_CA - enum entry in net.corda.core.internal.CertRole

Signing certificate for the Doorman CA.

doormanURL() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.CompatibilityZoneParams
doormanURL() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.SharedCompatibilityZoneParams
doormanURL() - function in net.corda.testing.node.internal.SplitCompatibilityZoneParams
doSign(java.security.KeyPair,net.corda.core.crypto.SignableData) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Generic way to sign SignableData objects with a PrivateKey.
doSign(java.security.PrivateKey,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Generic way to sign ByteArray data with a PrivateKey.
doSign(java.lang.String,java.security.PrivateKey,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Generic way to sign ByteArray data with a PrivateKey and a known schemeCodeName String.
doSign(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,java.security.PrivateKey,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Generic way to sign ByteArray data with a PrivateKey and a known Signature.
doubles() - function in java.util.DummySecureRandom
doubles(java.lang.Double,java.lang.Double) - function in java.util.DummySecureRandom
doubles(java.lang.Long) - function in java.util.DummySecureRandom
doubles(java.lang.Long,java.lang.Double,java.lang.Double) - function in java.util.DummySecureRandom
DoubleSpentInputs - class in net.corda.testing.dsl
doVerify(java.security.PublicKey,kotlin.ByteArray,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Utility to simplify the act of verifying a digital signature by identifying the signature scheme used from the input public key's type.
doVerify(java.lang.String,java.security.PublicKey,kotlin.ByteArray,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Utility to simplify the act of verifying a digital signature.
doVerify(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash,net.corda.core.crypto.TransactionSignature) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Utility to simplify the act of verifying a TransactionSignature.
doVerify(net.corda.core.crypto.SignatureScheme,java.security.PublicKey,kotlin.ByteArray,kotlin.ByteArray) - function in net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
Method to verify a digital signature.
downloadDependencies(java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Boolean) - function in net.corda.core.internal.TransactionsResolver
driver(net.corda.testing.driver.DriverParameters,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in net.corda.testing.driver.DriverKt
driver allows one to start up nodes like this: driver { val noService = startNode(providedName = DUMMY_BANK_A.name) val notary = startNode(providedName = DUMMY_NOTARY.
DriverDSL - class in net.corda.testing.driver
Underlying interface for the driver DSL.
DriverDSLImpl - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal
DriverDSLImpl.LocalNetworkMap - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal.DriverDSLImpl
The local version of the network map, which is a bunch of classes that copy the relevant files to the node directories.
DriverDSLImpl.State - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal.DriverDSLImpl
DriverDSLImpl.Waitable - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal.DriverDSLImpl
DriverDSLImplKt - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal
DriverInternalKt - class in net.corda.testing.driver.internal
DriverKt - class in net.corda.testing.driver
DriverParameters - class in net.corda.testing.driver
Builder for configuring a driver.
DummyClusterSpec - class in net.corda.testing.node.internal
Only used for testing the notary communication path.
DummyDealContract - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
DummyDealContract.State - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyDealContract
DummyDealContractKt - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
DummyDealStateSchema - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
An object used to fully qualify the DummyDealStateSchema family name (i.e.
DummyDealStateSchemaV1 - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
First version of a cash contract ORM schema that maps all fields of the DummyDealState contract state as it stood at the time of writing.
DummyDealStateSchemaV1.PersistentDummyDealState - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyDealStateSchemaV1
DummyLinearContract - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
DummyLinearContract.State - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyLinearContract
DummyLinearContractKt - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
DummyLinearStateSchema - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
An object used to fully qualify the DummyLinearStateSchema family name (i.e.
DummyLinearStateSchemaV1 - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
First version of a cash contract ORM schema that maps all fields of the DummyLinearState contract state as it stood at the time of writing.
DummyLinearStateSchemaV1.PersistentDummyLinearState - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyLinearStateSchemaV1
DummyLinearStateSchemaV2 - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault
Second version of a cash contract ORM schema that extends the common VaultLinearState abstract schema
DummyLinearStateSchemaV2.PersistentDummyLinearState - class in net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyLinearStateSchemaV2
DummySecureRandom - class in net.corda.core.crypto
dumpCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.internal.messaging.FlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints as JSON into a zip file in the node's log directory.
dumpCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.messaging.flows.CheckpointRpcHelper.CloseableFlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints as JSON into a zip file in the node's log directory.
dumpCheckpoints() - function in net.corda.core.messaging.flows.FlowManagerRPCOps
Dump all the current flow checkpoints as JSON into a zip file in the node's log directory.
DuplicateOutputLabel - class in net.corda.testing.dsl
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