corda / com.r3.corda.networkmanage.common.utils / executeTaskWithBackOff


fun executeTaskWithBackOff(executor: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1), maxAttempts: Int? = null, initialRetryDelayMillis: Long, taskDescription: String, ctx: <ERROR CLASS>, task: () -> Unit): Unit

Attempts a single execution of the given task, and retrying with an exponential backoff strategy if execution fails. An error is logged upon every failure but no exceptions are thrown.


executor - Scheduled execution service used to invoke the task.

maxAttempts - Maximum number of execution attempts of the task. Set to null to run indefinitely.

initialRetryDelayMillis - The initial delay between the first failed execution and second attempt. This is doubled upon every subsequent failed attempt.

taskDescription - Human-readable description of the task (for error logging).

task - The task to invoke