Welcome to Tokens SDK

The Tokens SDK provides you with the fastest and easiest way to create tokens that represent any kind of asset on your network. This asset can be anything you want it to be—conceptual or physical, valuable or not. You can create a token to represent something outside the network, or something that only exists on the ledger—such as a Corda-native digital currency.

With the SDK, you can define your token and its attributes, then add functionality to a CorDapp so the token can be issued, moved, and redeemed on a ledger.

Tokens SDK documentation can be found here.

If you have developed a CorDapp that uses the Tokens SDK 1.1 or 1.2.1, you can upgrade to 1.2.3.

Versions 1.2.1 and 1.2.3 of the Tokens SDK are compatible with Corda release version 4.6 and higher.

Versions 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 of the Tokens SDK are compatible with Corda release version 4.8 and higher.

This release of the Tokens SDK contains security vulnerability updates.

Previously, the in-memory token selector would start loading its tokens in parallel to the vault being initialised or during node startup, which may have resulted in some tokens not being loaded into the selector. This issue has now been resolved.

In Tokens SDK 1.2.3, the holder column in the fungible_token and non_fungible_token tables is now nullable.

In 1.2.2, a new Token Selection feature allows the exception InsufficientNotLockedBalanceException to be thrown when sufficient funds appear to exist for a transaction to take place, but an excess of those funds are soft locked by other in-flight transactions. The warning tells you that there are insufficient funds that have not been soft locked to satisfy the transaction amount.

The main changes in the Tokens SDK from 1.1 to 1.2.1 are designed to improve application of the SDK for those using a Java code base.

Overview of changes:

  • All of the utility methods, subflows and RPC enabled flows have been annotated with @JVMOverloads to ensure the appropriate Java constructors are generated where the source Kotlin constructor contains nullable arguments. This ensures a seamless experience when using the Tokens SDK from a Java code base.
  • The selection and money JAR files have been moved into the workflows JAR file.
  • Upgraded database interaction for compatibility with Corda 4.6 and Corda Enterprise Edition 4.6.

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