Using Path constraints

The classes for Paths and PathConstraints are all provided in the ContractUtlis.kt file, this means that the verifyPathConstraints() function is actually very simple to write:

  1. Use ContractUtlis to extract the Path from the transaction being verified.

  2. Create allowedPaths which uses a when statement to map the input status to the PathConstraints that should be applied for that status.

  3. You now have a single requireThat statement that passes the txPath and the allowedPaths to the verifyPath() helper function in ContractUtils that returns true if the path is allowed and false if it is not.


    fun <T: StatusState> verifyPathConstraints(tx: LedgerTransaction, primaryStateClass: Class<T>){

        val commandValue = tx.commands.requireSingleCommand<AgreementContract.Commands>().value    // get the command

        val txPath = getPath(tx, primaryStateClass, commandValue)       // call the getPath() utility function to get the Path of the transaction

        val inputStatus = requireSingleInputStatus(tx, primaryStateClass)       // get the Primary state status

        val allowedPaths: List<PathConstraint<T>> = when (inputStatus){        // populate the when clause mapping: statuses -> allowed constraints
            null -> listOf(
                    PathConstraint(Commands.Propose(), PROPOSED, MultiplicityConstraint(0))
            PROPOSED -> listOf(
                    PathConstraint(Commands.Reject(), REJECTED),
                    PathConstraint(Commands.Agree(), AGREED)
            REJECTED -> listOf(
                    PathConstraint(Commands.Repropose(), PROPOSED)
            AGREED -> listOf(
                    PathConstraint(Commands.Complete(), null, outputMultiplicityConstraint = MultiplicityConstraint(0))
            else -> listOf()

        requireThat {
            "txPath must be allowed by PathConstraints for inputStatus $inputStatus." using verifyPath(txPath, allowedPaths) // call the utility function to check the paths

Because a lot of the heavy lifting has been moved to the ContractUtils.kt, this pattern can be replicated for other Smart Contracts by substituting in the specific statuses and the PathConstraints.

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