Splitting the verify function

As smart contracts become more complicated, the risk of missing some important control grows. To reduce this risk, the smart contract verification is split up into sub-verify functions which each deal with one of the types of constraints defined in CDL Smart Contract view.

The exception to this is that the blue Flow constraints are not implemented in the Contract and are more like notes on what the Flows should be doing.


    override fun verify(tx: LedgerTransaction) {

        verifyPathConstraints(tx, AgreementState::class.java)

Later, you may notice that by splitting the verification into the sub-verify functions there is some duplication, eg multiple switch (when in Kotlin) statements on command.value. The principle is that it is better to have some duplication if it allows better clarity and structure of the smart contract because this reduces the risk of making mistakes.

For all the sub-verify functions passed in the LedgerTransaction, this is so each sub-verify has access to the whole resolved transaction. For verifyPathConstraints() you also need to pass in the class of the AgreementState.

The following sections consider the implementation of each constraint in turn.

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