Archive Service Library

The Archive Service Library provides programmatic access to the Archive Service. The library provides the following Archive Service APIs:

  • ListJobs.
  • ListItems.
  • MarkItems.
  • CreateSnapshot.
  • ExportSnapshot.
  • ImportSnapshot.
  • DeleteMarked.
  • DeleteSnapshot.
  • RestoreSnapshot.

The first step in using the library is to establish a RPC connection to the Corda node:

val context = RPCClientService(rpcAddress.toString(), user, password)

The RPC credentials must contain the RPC settings URL and a user account with sufficient privileges to run the Archive Service flows.

The following APIs are provided by the Archive Service Library.

Returns the list of active Archive Service jobs.

 * Invoke the list jobs command to retrieve details on the current archive job.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
class ListJobs(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null
) {
     * Execute the list jobs command
     * @return List of active archive jobs
    fun execute(): List<ArchivingJob>

Returns the list of archivable items.

 * Invoke the list items command to retrieve details on the archivable items.
 * The [filterConfig] should be a map that can be parsed into a TypeSafe
 * config object containing the necessary filter configuration details.
 * This command can only be called when the node is online,
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property filterList list of DAG filters to apply
 * @property filterConfig filter configuration data
 * @property listItems if true return list of item IDs
class ListItems(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val filterList: List<String>? = null,
    private val filterConfig: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(),
    private val listItems: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the list items command by invoking the ListItemsFlow
     * @return List items results
    fun execute(): ListItemsResults

Marks all archivable items with the snapshot name.

 * Invoke the mark items command to mark all archivable items with the snapshot name.
 * The [filterConfig] should be a map that can be parsed into a TypeSafe
 * config object containing the necessary filter configuration details.
 * This command can only be called when the node is online,
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property snapshot the job name
 * @property filterList list of DAG filters to apply
 * @property filterConfig filter configuration data
class MarkItems(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val snapshot: String? = null,
    private val filterList: List<String>? = null,
    private val filterConfig: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()
) {
      * Execute the mark items command by invoking the MarkItemsFlow
      * @return Mark items results
   fun execute(): MarkItemsResults

Copies marked items from the Corda vault to the archive schema.

 * Invoke the create snapshot flow to copy the marked items to the archive schema.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property additionalTransactionTables List of any addition transaction tables to copy
 * @property additionalAttachmentTables List of any additional attachment tables to copy
 * @property queryableTables List of any queryable tables to copy
class CreateSnapshot(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val additionalTransactionTables: List<Pair<String, String>> = emptyList(),
    private val additionalAttachmentTables: List<Pair<String, String>> = emptyList(),
    private val queryableTables: List<Pair<String, String>> = emptyList()
) {
     * Execute the create snapshot command by invoking the CreateSnapshotFLow
     * @return Create snapshot results
    fun execute(): CreateSnapshotResults

Exports the marked items in the vault to an external archive.

 * Invoke the export snapshot flow to export the archived items to permanent storage.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property exporterList list of exporters to execute
 * @property exporterConfig exporter configuration data
 * @property skipBinaryExport Mark step as complete even if no binary export was created
class ExportSnapshot(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val exporterList: List<String>? = null,
    private val exporterConfig: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(),
    private val skipBinaryExport: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the export snapshot command by invoking the ExportSnapshotFlow
     * @return Export snapshot results
    fun execute(): ExportSnapshotResults

Imports a snapshot from an external archive.

 * Invoke the import snapshot flow to import transactions and attachments into the vault.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property snapshot Snapshot to import
 * @property importer Importer to execute
 * @property importerConfig Importer configuration data
 * @property record If true then record SQL rather than execute it
class ImportSnapshot(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val snapshot: String,
    private val importer: String? = null,
    private val importerConfig: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(),
    private val record: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the import snapshot command by invoking the ImportSnapshotFLow
     * @return Import snapshot results
    fun execute(): ImportSnapshotResults

Deletes the marked items from the Corda vault.

 * Invoke the delete marked flow to delete the marked items from the vault schema.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property record If true then record SQL rather than execute it
class DeleteMarked(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val record: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the delete marked items command by invoking the DeleteMarkedFlow
     * @return Delete marked results
    fun execute(): DeleteMarkedResults

Deletes the snapshot from the archive schema.

 * Invoke the delete snapshot flow to delete the marked items from the archive schema.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property record If true then record SQL rather than execute it
class DeleteSnapshot(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val record: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the delete snapshot items command by invoking the DeleteSnapshotFlow
     * @return Delete snapshot results
    fun execute(): DeleteSnapshotResults

Restores the snapshot to the Corda vault.

 * Invoke the restore snapshot flow to restore failed jobs.
 * @property rpcClient RPC connection to Archive Service node
 * @property progressTree Callback used to report progress
 * @property record If true then record SQL rather than execute it
class RestoreSnapshot(
    private val rpcClient: RPCClientService,
    private val progressTree: ProgressTree? = null,
    private val record: Boolean = false
) {
     * Execute the restore snapshot flow
     * @return Restore snapshot results
    fun execute(): RestoreSnapshotResults

Custom filters can be implemented by extending the AbstractDAGFilter, AbstractTransactionFilter, or AbstractContractStateFilter classes.

 * Filter interface for checking which DAGs from [ledgerGraphService] can be archived.
 * All DAG filters must implement a public constructor that
 * accepts [serviceHub] and [configuration] as parameters.
 * @property serviceHub Access to Corda services and vault
 * @property configuration Configuration parameters
abstract class AbstractDAGFilter(
    val serviceHub: ServiceHub,
    val configuration: ServiceConfiguration
) {

     * Invoked before the filter function is first used
    open fun initialiseFilter() { }

     * Return true if the transaction sub-graph [graph] can be included for archiving
    abstract fun filter(graph: DAG<SecureHash>): Boolean

 * Abstract filter to verify whether each transaction within a transaction sub-graph
 * is suitable for archiving.
 * Each implementation of this class should use values in [configuration] to control
 * the transaction filtering.
abstract class AbstractTransactionFilter(
    serviceHub: ServiceHub,
    configuration: ServiceConfiguration
) : AbstractDAGFilter(serviceHub, configuration) {

     * Return true if the transaction [vertex] is suitable for archiving
    abstract fun matches(vertex: TransactionVertex): Boolean

 * Abstract class that provides a framework for filtering transactions based on their contract states.
 * Implementors of this class must provide the contract states type and a filter to indicate which
 * states should be preserved.
 * @property serviceHub Access to Corda services and vault
 * @property configuration Configuration parameters
abstract class AbstractContractStateFilter(
    serviceHub: ServiceHub,
    configuration: ServiceConfiguration
) : AbstractTransactionFilter(serviceHub, configuration) {

    /** Type of states to filter */
    abstract val contractStateType: Class<out ContractState>

     * Return true if the transaction containing [state] is suitable for archiving
    abstract fun <T : ContractState> matches(state: StateAndRef<T>): Boolean

The package containing the custom filter must be declared in the Archive Service CorDapp configuration file using the key filter.scanPackages when the node is started.

filter.scanPackages: ""

Custom exporters can be implemented by extending the AbstractExporter class and implementing one or more of the AttachmentExporter, TransactionExporter, and QueryableTableExporter interfaces depending on whether the exporter should export transaction, attachment and/or state table data.

 * Base class for all exporters. Each export should implement one or both
 * of the interfaces [TransactionExporter] or [AttachmentExporter]
 * @property archiveJobName Name of the archive job
 * @property serviceConfiguration Configuration parameters
 * @property reporter Used by exporters to report the result of the export
abstract class AbstractExporter(
    val archiveJobName: String,
    val serviceConfiguration: ServiceConfiguration,
    val reporter: ExporterReporter
) {
     * Allows an exporter to send messages back to the user.
     * @param message Message to send
    fun reportStatus(message: String) =, message)

 * Interface to indicate the exporter can export attachments
interface AttachmentExporter {
     * Invoked before the first attachment is exported
    fun initialiseAttachmentExport() { }

     * Invoked after the last attachment has been exported
    fun completedAttachmentExport() { }

     * Invoked for each attachment
    fun exportAttachment(attachmentId: String, attachment: ByteArray)

 * Interface to indicate the exporter can export transactions
interface TransactionExporter {
     * Invoked before the first transaction is exported
    fun initialiseTransactionExport() { }

     * Invoked after the last transaction has been exported
    fun completedTransactionExport() { }

     * Invoked for each transaction
    fun exportTransaction(transactionId: String, transaction: ByteArray)

 * Interface to indicate the exporter can export queryable state data
interface QueryableTableExporter {
     * Invoked before the first row is exported
     * @param table Table being exported
    fun initialiseQueryableTableExport(table: QueryableTable) { }

     * Invoked after the last row has been exported
     * @param table Table being exported
    fun completedQueryableTableExport(table: QueryableTable) { }

     * Export the column header names and SQL types
    fun exportHeader(table: QueryableTable, header: Array<Pair<String, Int>>)

     * Export a single row of the table
    fun exportRow(table: QueryableTable, data: Array<Any?>)

The package containing the custom exporter must be declared in the Archive Service CorDapp configuration file using the key exporter.scanPackages when the node is started.

exporter.scanPackages: ""

Custom importers can be implemented by extending the AbstractImporter class and implementing the retrieveTransactions(), retrieveAttachments() methods.

An importer implementation would normally have to be paired with an exporter so that they can agree on binary formats for recording transactions and attachments.

 * Base class for all importers.
 * @property archiveJobName Name of the archive job
 * @property serviceConfiguration Configuration parameters
 * @property reporter Used by importers to report the result of the import
abstract class AbstractImporter(
    val archiveJobName: String,
    val serviceConfiguration: ServiceConfiguration,
    val reporter: ImporterReporter
) {
     * Allows an importer to send messages back to the user.
     * @param message Message to send
    fun reportStatus(message: String) =, message)

     * Retrieve the transactions from the archive and pass them the recorder
     * for processing. If the transaction ID list is empty then retrieve all
     * transactions.
     * @param transactionIds List of transactions to return
     * @param recorder Processes an archived transaction
    abstract fun retrieveTransactions(transactionIds: List<SecureHash> = emptyList(), recorder: (SecureHash, ByteArray) -> Unit)

     * Retrieve the attachments from the archive and pass them the recorder
     * for processing. If the attachment ID list is empty then retrieve all
     * attachments.
     * @param attachmentIds List of transactions to return
     * @param recorder Processes an archived attachment
    abstract fun retrieveAttachments(attachmentIds: List<SecureHash> = emptyList(), recorder: (SecureHash, ByteArray) -> Unit)

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