
This example shows how to create a very simple state and a corresponding contract. The example creates an issuable state that only has a single command called Issue. The issuance contract validates the following:

  • The transaction contains exactly one command of type SampleCommand.
  • The transaction does not have any input states.
  • The transaction has output states.
  • The output states are all of type SampleState.

The following shows the example state code:

class SampleState( private val participants : List<PublicKey>, val value: Int, val owner: PublicKey ) : ContractState {
    override fun getParticipants(): List<PublicKey> {
        return participants

The following shows the example contract code:

class SampleContract : Contract {
    override fun verify(transaction: UtxoLedgerTransaction) {
        val command = transaction.commands.singleOrNull {
            it is SampleCommand
            "Transactions must have exactly one command of type SampleCommand."
        when (command) {
            is SampleCommand.Issue -> runIssueVerification(transaction)

    private fun runIssueVerification(transaction: UtxoLedgerTransaction){
        require(transaction.inputStateRefs.isEmpty()) {
            "Issuance can't have inputs"
        require(transaction.outputContractStates.isNotEmpty()) {
            "Issuance must have outputs"
        require(transaction.outputContractStates.all {
            it is SampleState
            "Must only issue sample states"

sealed class SampleCommand : Command {
    class Issue : SampleCommand()

The following happy path test case creates a transaction with a single output state of type SampleState and command SampleCommand.Issue. According to our contract, this transaction should pass our contract verification.

public void TestSampleContractIssuanceHappyPath(){
    UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction = getLedgerService()
            .addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
            .addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
fun `test sample contract issuance happy path`(){
    val issueTransaction = buildTransaction {
        addOutputState(SampleState(listOf(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))

The following negative path test case creates a transaction with a single output state of type SampleState and command SampleCommand.Issue but the transaction has an input state. According to our contract, this transaction should fail our contract verification because issuance transactions should not have any input states.

public void TestSampleContractIssuanceFails(){
    UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction1 = getLedgerService()
        .addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
    UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction2 = getLedgerService()
        .addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
        .addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
    assertFailsWith(issueTransaction2, "Issuance can't have inputs");
fun `test sample contract issuance fails`(){
    val issueTransaction1 = buildTransaction {
        addOutputState(SampleState(listOf(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
    val issueTransaction2 = buildTransaction {
        addOutputState(SampleState(listOf(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
        addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
    assertFailsWith(issueTransaction2, "Issuance can't have inputs")

This example uses the same state as the example with no service injection but changes the contract to have an injectable service and an extra verification based on that service. In this example, we check the default digest algorithm that the DigestService returns. The rest of the contract code remains the same:

class SampleContract : Contract {

    lateinit var digestService: DigestService

    override fun verify(transaction: UtxoLedgerTransaction) {
        val defaultAlgo = digestService.defaultDigestAlgorithm()
        require(defaultAlgo == DigestAlgorithmName.SHA2_256D) {
            "Default digest algorithm must be \"SHA2_256D\"."
        // Rest of the verification logic is the same as in the above example

The following happy path test defines a class-level mock of the DigestService so that the happy path test cases pass without having to pass in the mock service to the assert call each time.

First, create two mocks, one valid and one invalid:

public static void setup() {
    // Default happy path mock
    // Invalid mock
// Default happy path mock
private val digestService = mock<DigestService> {
    on { defaultDigestAlgorithm() } doReturn DigestAlgorithmName.SHA2_256D

// Invalid mock
private val invalidDigestService = mock<DigestService> {
    on { defaultDigestAlgorithm() } doReturn DigestAlgorithmName.SHA2_384

Next, define the class-level mock services:

protected final Map<Class<?>, Object> classLevelMockServices() {
    return Map.of(DigestService.class, digestService);
override fun classLevelMockServices() = mapOf(
    DigestService::class.java to digestService

The following shows the happy path tests:

public void TestSampleContractIssuanceHappyPath(){
    UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction = getLedgerService()
            .addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))
            .addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
fun `test sample contract issuance happy path`(){
    val issueTransaction = buildTransaction {
        addOutputState(SampleState(listOf(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))

The negative path test cases explicitly pass in the invalid service mock to the assertion call. This overwrites the class-level mock.

public void TestSampleContractWithInjectionInvalidDigestServiceInjected() {
    UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction = getLedgerService()
            .addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
            .addOutputState(new SampleStateWithInjection(List.of(aliceKey)))
            "Default digest algorithm must be \"SHA2_256D\".",
            Map.of(DigestService.class, invalidDigestService)
fun `test sample contract with injection when digest service returns an invalid default algorithm`() {
    val issueTransaction = buildTransaction {
        "Default digest algorithm must be \"SHA2_256D\".",
        mapOf(DigestService::class.java to invalidDigestService)

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