Building and Verifying Transactions

Testing your contracts requires transactions. Building a test transaction is similar to a real-world CorDapp. The following sections contain example chains of function calls:

For more information, see the full Transaction Builder API documentation.

In Java, you must explicitly get the UTXO Ledger Service and create a transaction builder:

UtxoSignedTransaction issueTransaction = getLedgerService()
                .addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
                .addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))

In Kotlin, the transaction building process becomes simpler using the Kotlin DSL:

val issueTransaction = buildTransaction {
    addCommand(new SampleCommand.Issue())
    addOutputState(new SampleState(List.of(aliceKey), 10, aliceKey))

Once you have built your transaction, you can verify it by calling one of the following assertion functions:

  • assertVerifies — use if you are expecting your test to pass the contract validation.
  • assertFailsWith — use if you are expecting your test to fail contract validation with an exception message exactly matching the provided string.
  • assertFailsWithMessageContaining — use if you are expecting your test to fail contract validation with an error message containing the provided string.

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