mgm heading-link-icon

This section lists the Corda CLI A command line tool that supports various Corda-related tasks, including Corda Package Installer (CPI) creation and Corda cluster management. mgm arguments. You can use these commands to execute membership operations for static networks used for testing purposes.

Running the groupPolicy command without any arguments prints a sample GroupPolicy.json file that you can manually tweak. mgm groupPolicy
corda-cli.cmd mgm groupPolicy

Alternatively, use the following command line arguments to define the static network section of the GroupPolicy:

--file, -fThe path to a JSON or YAML file that contains static network information; see Generating GroupPolicy Using File Input.
--nameThe X.500 A series of international standards defining a global directory service protocol for computer networks. It provides a structured framework for storing, accessing, and managing information about network resources and users in a hierarchical and distributed manner. name of the member Corda identity that has been granted admission to a membership group. Synonym for a virtual node or group member. ; see Generating GroupPolicy Using String Parameters.
--endpointThe endpoint base URL; see Generating GroupPolicy Using String Parameters.
--endpoint-protocolThe version of end-to-end authentication protocol; see Generating GroupPolicy Using String Parameters.

To generate GroupPolicy using file input: mgm groupPolicy --file="app/build/resources/src.yaml"
corda-cli.cmd mgm groupPolicy --file="app/build/resources/src.yaml"

  • JSON with memberNames:

      "endpoint": "http://dummy-url",
      "endpointProtocol": 5,
      "memberNames": ["C=GB, L=London, O=Member1", "C=GB, L=London, O=Member2"]
  • JSON with members:

      "members": [
          "name": "C=GB, L=London, O=Member1",
          "status": "PENDING",
          "endpoint": "http://dummy-url",
          "endpointProtocol": 5
            "name": "C=GB, L=London, O=Member2",
            "endpoint": "http://dummy-url2",
            "endpointProtocol": 5
  • YAML with memberNames:

    endpoint: "http://dummy-url"
    endpointProtocol: 5
    memberNames: ["C=GB, L=London, O=Member1", "C=GB, L=London, O=Member2"]
  • YAML with members which all use a common endpoint, and Member1 overrides the protocol version:

    endpoint: "http://dummy-url"
    endpointProtocol: 5
      - name: "C=GB, L=London, O=Member1"
        status: "PENDING"
        endpointProtocol: 10
      - name: "C=GB, L=London, O=Member2"

To generate GroupPolicy using parameters: mgm groupPolicy --name="C=GB, L=London, O=Member1" --name="C=GB, L=London, O=Member2" --endpoint-protocol=5 --endpoint="http://dummy-url"
corda-cli.cmd mgm groupPolicy --name="C=GB, L=London, O=Member1" --name="C=GB, L=London, O=Member2" --endpoint-protocol=5 --endpoint="http://dummy-url"

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