Write Flows heading-link-icon

In Corda, flows automate the process of agreeing ledger updates. They are a sequence of steps that tell the node how to achieve a specific ledger update, such as issuing an asset or making a deposit. Nodes communicate using these flows in point-to-point interactions, rather than a global broadcast system. Network participants must specify what information needs to be sent, to which counterparties.

This tutorial guides you through writing the three flows you need in your CorDapp Corda Distributed Application. A Java (or any JVM targeting language) application built using the Corda build toolchain and CorDapp API to solve some problem that is best solved in a decentralized manner. . These are:

  • CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow
  • PackageApplesFlow
  • RedeemApplesFlow

You will be creating these flows in the workflows/src/main/kotlin/com/r3/developers/apples/workflows directory in this tutorial.

After you have completed this tutorial, you will know how to write and implement flows in a CorDapp.

Before you start writing flows, read more about flows.

The CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow creates the AppleStamp and issues it to the customer.

The CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow action requires interaction between the issuer and the customer. For this reason, you must create an initiator flow and a responder flow.

  1. Go to workflows/src/main/kotlin/com/r3/developers/apples and right-click the workflows folder.
  2. Select New > Kotlin Class.
  3. Create a file called CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow.

Add the ClientStartableFlow to the CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow. This allows the flow to be started by REST. You must implement this interface if you want to trigger the flow with REST via Corda’s HTTP endpoints. Your code should now look like this:

class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow
  1. Add the @InitiatingFlow annotation to CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow. This indicates that this flow is the initiating flow in an initiating and initiated flow pair.
  2. Define a protocol for the initiating flow as a parameter to the annotation. This will also be added to the initiated (responder) flow later. The protocol is a string name of your choice.

Your code should now look similar to this:

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow
  1. Add the call method with an ClientRequestBody argument and String return type (that ClientStartableFlow requires to be implemented).
  2. Add the @Suspendable annotation.

Your code should now look like this:

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow {

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {


CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow requires a number of services to be injected so that they can be used by the flow.

Add the following code to inject the services required by this flow. This code adds properties to the flow and should not be added inside the call method:

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow {

    lateinit var flowMessaging: FlowMessaging

    lateinit var jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService

    lateinit var memberLookup: MemberLookup

    lateinit var notaryLookup: NotaryLookup

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {


ClientRequestBody contains the flow’s request parameters passed in via HTTP. To extract the data from the ClientRequestBody, you should create a class that represents the data.

  1. Create CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest as a private data class within your flow class, with the following properties:

    • stampDescription - A String description for the AppleStamp.
    • holder - A MemberX500Name for the participant who is issued an AppleStamp.

    This is how it should look like:

    data class CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest(
        val stampDescription: String,
        val holder: MemberX500Name)
  2. To extract the request data into a CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest, add ClientRequestBody.getRequestBodyAs to CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow.

  3. Add variables for stampDescription and holderName and extract them from the CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest instance.

    Your code should now look like this:

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow {

    lateinit var flowMessaging: FlowMessaging

    lateinit var jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService

    lateinit var memberLookup: MemberLookup

    lateinit var notaryLookup: NotaryLookup

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    private data class CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest(
        val stampDescription: String,
        val holder: MemberX500Name

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {
        val request = requestBody.getRequestBodyAs(
        val stampDescription = request.stampDescription
        val holderName = request.holder

Any flows using the UTXO Unspent Transaction Output. The unspent output of a cryptocurrency transaction, representing the amount of digital currency that has not been spent and is available for use in future transactions. ledger require a notary service to track the states An immutable object representing a fact known by one or more participants at a specific point in time. You can use states to represent any type of data, and any kind of fact. created and consumed by transactions.

Add the following code to retrieve a notary:

// Retrieve the notaries public key (this will change)
val notaryInfo = notaryLookup.notaryServices.single()
  1. Use memberLookup.myInfo to lookup the current participant (who is executing the flow).
  2. Extract the name and ledgerKeys (take the first one) of the participant and store the result in a Party.
  3. Repeat the same process for the holder of the new AppleStamp state using the holderName from the flow’s input parameters.
  4. Verify that the participant with the passed in holderName exists in the network.

Your code should now contain the following lines:

val issuer = memberLookup.myInfo().ledgerKeys.first()
val holder = memberLookup.lookup(holderName)
    ?.let { it.ledgerKeys.first() }
    ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("The holder $holderName does not exist within the network")

In flows with inputs, you use those inputs to determine the outputs a flow will have. Since this flow is creating and issuing the AppleStamp, there are no inputs to utilize.

Build the output newStamp using the parameters from the AppleStamp state:

  • id
  • stampDescription
  • issuer
  • holder
  • UniqueIdentifier

Use an UtxoTransactionBuilder to encapsulate everything into a transaction.

  1. Use UtxoLedgerService.createTransactionBuilder to create a UtxoTransactionBuilder.
  2. Use setNotary to set the name of the transaction’s notary.
  3. Use addOutputState to add the newStamp (the created AppleStamp).
  4. Use addCommand to add the Issue command of the AppleStampContract.
  5. Use addSignatories to add the list of required signatories of the transaction. This should include the issuer and the holder.
  6. Use setTimeWindowUntil to set a time window for the transaction in which the transaction is valid. In Corda 5, all transactions using the UTXO ledger must specify an upper bound time window in this way.
  7. Use toSignedTransaction to sign the transaction.

This is what your transaction creation code should look like now:

val newStamp = AppleStamp(
    id = UUID.randomUUID(),
    stampDesc = stampDescription,
    issuer = issuer,
    holder = holder,
    participants = listOf(issuer, holder)

val transaction = utxoLedgerService.createTransactionBuilder()
    .setTimeWindowUntil(Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
    .addSignatories(listOf(issuer, holder))

Finalizing a transaction does the following:

  1. Sends it to counterparties to:
    • verify the transaction’s contracts.
    • validate the transaction’s contents.
    • sign the transaction.
  2. Notarizes the transaction.
  3. Records the transaction for the current participant.
  4. Sends the counterparties the finalized transaction signatures.
  5. The counterparties record the transaction.

To finalize a transaction:

  1. Start a FlowSession with the holder using FlowMessaging.initiateFlow:
    val session = flowMessaging.initiateFlow(holderName)
  2. Call UtxoLedgerService.finalize and pass the transaction and session in. Include a try/catch block around the call:
    try {
     // Send the transaction and state to the counterparty and let them sign it
     // Then notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
     utxoLedgerService.finalize(transaction, listOf(session))
     } catch (e: Exception) {

The transaction will now be successfully finalized and the end of the flow has been reached. The flow must return a String representation of the result of the flow. Extract and return the id of the newStamp created earlier (this will be useful in later flows) and return it from the flow. A String should also be returned to represent failures occurring inside the finalize call.

This should look like:

return try {
    // Send the transaction and state to the counterparty and let them sign it
    // Then notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
    utxoLedgerService.finalize(transaction, listOf(session))
} catch (e: Exception) {
    "Flow failed, message: ${e.message}"

As noted previously, the initiator flow needs a corresponding responder flow. The counterparty runs the responder flow.

  1. Go to workflows/src/main/kotlin/com/r3/developers/apples and right-click the workflows folder.
  2. Select New > Kotlin Class.
  3. Create a file called CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow.
  4. Make CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow implement ResponderFlow. This allows the flow to be initiated when an initiating flow starts a session. You must implement this interface if you want a flow to respond to initiation requests with an initiating flow.
  5. Add the @InitiatiedBy annotation to CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow.

This indicates that this flow is the initiated flow in an initiating and initiated flow pair. A protocol must be defined that both the initiating and initiated flow reference. You should use the same protocol name that you used when creating the initiator flow earlier.

Your code should now look as follows:

@InitiatedBy(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow : ResponderFlow
  1. Add the call method with a FlowSession argument (that ResponderFlow requires implemented).
  2. Add the @Suspendable annotation.

Your code should now look like this:

@InitiatedBy(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow : ResponderFlow {

    override fun call(session: FlowSession) {


Inject the UtxoLedgerService into CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow.

Your code should now look like this:

@InitiatedBy(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow : ResponderFlow {

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(session: FlowSession) {


Call UtxoLedgerService.receiveFinality and pass in the FlowSession from call’s arguments to finalize a transaction. This is the responding side which matches the UtxoLedgerService.finalize called by CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow.

receiveFinality requires a callback to be defined that validates the received transaction, you can leave this empty for now.

You have now written both CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow and CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow. You code should look like this:

package com.r3.developers.apples.workflows

import com.r3.developers.apples.contracts.AppleCommands
import com.r3.developers.apples.states.AppleStamp
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientRequestBody
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientStartableFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.CordaInject
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.InitiatingFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.JsonMarshallingService
import net.corda.v5.application.membership.MemberLookup
import net.corda.v5.application.messaging.FlowMessaging
import net.corda.v5.base.annotations.Suspendable
import net.corda.v5.base.types.MemberX500Name
import net.corda.v5.ledger.common.NotaryLookup
import net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.UtxoLedgerService
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.*

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow : ClientStartableFlow {
    lateinit var flowMessaging: FlowMessaging

    lateinit var jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService

    lateinit var memberLookup: MemberLookup

    lateinit var notaryLookup: NotaryLookup

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    private data class CreateAndIssueAppleStampRequest(
        val stampDescription: String,
        val holder: MemberX500Name

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {
        val request = requestBody.getRequestBodyAs(
        val stampDescription = request.stampDescription
        val holderName = request.holder

        val notaryInfo = notaryLookup.notaryServices.single()

        val issuer = memberLookup.myInfo().ledgerKeys.first()
        val holder = memberLookup.lookup(holderName)
            ?.let { it.ledgerKeys.first() }
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("The holder $holderName does not exist within the network")

        // Building the output AppleStamp state
        val newStamp = AppleStamp(
            id = UUID.randomUUID(),
            stampDesc = stampDescription,
            issuer = issuer,
            holder = holder,
            participants = listOf(issuer, holder)

        val transaction = utxoLedgerService.createTransactionBuilder()
            .setTimeWindowUntil(Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
            .addSignatories(listOf(issuer, holder))

        val session = flowMessaging.initiateFlow(holderName)

        return try {
            // Send the transaction and state to the counterparty and let them sign it
            // Then notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
            utxoLedgerService.finalize(transaction, listOf(session))
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            "Flow failed, message: ${e.message}"
package com.r3.developers.apples.workflows

import net.corda.v5.application.flows.CordaInject
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.InitiatedBy
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ResponderFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.messaging.FlowSession
import net.corda.v5.base.annotations.Suspendable
import net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.UtxoLedgerService

@InitiatedBy(protocol = "create-and-issue-apple-stamp")
class CreateAndIssueAppleStampResponderFlow : ResponderFlow {

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(session: FlowSession) {
        // Receive, verify, validate, sign and record the transaction sent from the initiator
        utxoLedgerService.receiveFinality(session) { transaction ->
             * [receiveFinality] will automatically verify the transaction and its signatures before signing it.
             * However, just because a transaction is contractually valid doesn't mean we necessarily want to sign.
             * What if we don't want to deal with the counterparty in question, or the value is too high,
             * or we're not happy with the transaction's structure? [UtxoTransactionValidator] (the lambda created
             * here) allows us to define the additional checks. If any of these conditions are not met,
             * we will not sign the transaction - even if the transaction and its signatures are contractually valid.

Now that you have written the CreateAndIssueAppleStampFlow, try writing the PackageApplesFlow and RedeemApplesFlow on your own.

The PackageApples flow is simpler than the CreateAndIssueAppleStamp flow in that it only involves one party. This flow represents Farmer Bob preparing the apples for Dave to collect.

Since the flow only involves one party (Farmer Bob), there is no need to initiate any sessions and therefore neither @InitiatingFlow or @InitiatedBy are required.

Include these variables in the flow:

  • appleDescription - any relevant information, such as the type of apple. Use type String.
  • weight - the weight of the apples. Use type Int.

After you’ve written the PackageApplesFlow, your code should look like this:

package com.r3.developers.apples.workflows

import com.r3.developers.apples.contracts.AppleCommands
import com.r3.developers.apples.states.BasketOfApples
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.CordaInject
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientRequestBody
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientStartableFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.JsonMarshallingService
import net.corda.v5.application.membership.MemberLookup
import net.corda.v5.base.annotations.Suspendable
import net.corda.v5.ledger.common.NotaryLookup
import net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.UtxoLedgerService
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

class PackageApplesFlow : ClientStartableFlow {

    private data class PackApplesRequest(val appleDescription: String, val weight: Int)

    lateinit var jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService

    lateinit var memberLookup: MemberLookup

    lateinit var notaryLookup: NotaryLookup

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {
        val request = requestBody.getRequestBodyAs(jsonMarshallingService, PackApplesRequest::class.java)
        val appleDescription = request.appleDescription
        val weight = request.weight
        val notary = notaryLookup.notaryServices.single()
        val myKey = memberLookup.myInfo().ledgerKeys.first()

        // Building the output BasketOfApples state
        val basket = BasketOfApples(
            description = appleDescription,
            farm = myKey,
            owner = myKey,
            weight = weight,
            participants = listOf(myKey)

        // Create the transaction
        val transaction = utxoLedgerService.createTransactionBuilder()
            .setTimeWindowUntil(Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS))

        return try {
            // Record the transaction, no sessions are passed in as the transaction is only being
            // recorded locally
            utxoLedgerService.finalize(transaction, emptyList()).toString()
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            "Flow failed, message: ${e.message}"

The RedeemApples flow involves two parties: Farmer Bob and Dave. When this flow is called, Dave redeems his AppleStamp for the BasketOfApples that Farmer Bob gives him. You will need an initiator and responder flow pair for this flow.

Include these variables in the flow:

  • buyer - the customer buying the apples, in this case Dave.
  • stampId - the unique identifier of the AppleStamp.

The RedeemApplesFlow has an additional step that you did not see in the previous two flows. It must query the output states from the previous two transactions. These output states are the inputs for the RedeemApplesFlow. Use the UtxoLedgerService to find these states.

You should check for the following in the flow:

  • The specified AppleStamp is unconsumed.
  • There is an unconsumed BasketOfApples where the current owner is the issuer of the AppleStamp.

After you’ve written the RedeemApplesFlow, your code should look like this:

package com.r3.developers.apples.workflows

import com.r3.developers.apples.contracts.AppleCommands
import com.r3.developers.apples.states.AppleStamp
import com.r3.developers.apples.states.BasketOfApples
import net.corda.v5.base.types.MemberX500Name
import java.util.*

import net.corda.v5.application.flows.CordaInject
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.InitiatingFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientRequestBody
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ClientStartableFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.marshalling.JsonMarshallingService
import net.corda.v5.application.membership.MemberLookup
import net.corda.v5.application.messaging.FlowMessaging
import net.corda.v5.base.annotations.Suspendable
import net.corda.v5.ledger.common.NotaryLookup
import net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.UtxoLedgerService
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

@InitiatingFlow(protocol = "redeem-apples")
class RedeemApplesFlow : ClientStartableFlow {

    private data class RedeemApplesRequest(val buyer: MemberX500Name, val stampId: UUID)

    lateinit var flowMessaging: FlowMessaging

    lateinit var jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService

    lateinit var memberLookup: MemberLookup

    lateinit var notaryLookup: NotaryLookup

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(requestBody: ClientRequestBody): String {
        val request = requestBody.getRequestBodyAs(jsonMarshallingService, RedeemApplesRequest::class.java)
        val buyerName = request.buyer
        val stampId = request.stampId

        // Retrieve the notaries public key (this will change)
        val notaryInfo = notaryLookup.notaryServices.single()

        val myKey = memberLookup.myInfo().let { it.ledgerKeys.first() }

        val buyer = memberLookup.lookup(buyerName)
            ?.let { it.ledgerKeys.first() }
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("The buyer does not exist within the network")

        val appleStampStateAndRef = utxoLedgerService.findUnconsumedStatesByType(AppleStamp::class.java)
            .firstOrNull { stateAndRef -> stateAndRef.state.contractState.id == stampId }
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No apple stamp matching the stamp id $stampId")

        val basketOfApplesStampStateAndRef = utxoLedgerService.findUnconsumedStatesByType(BasketOfApples::class.java)
            .firstOrNull { basketStateAndRef -> basketStateAndRef.state.contractState.owner ==
        appleStampStateAndRef.state.contractState.issuer }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("There are no eligible baskets of apples")

        val originalBasketOfApples = basketOfApplesStampStateAndRef.state.contractState

        val updatedBasket = originalBasketOfApples.changeOwner(buyer)

        // Create the transaction
        val transaction = utxoLedgerService.createTransactionBuilder()
            .addInputStates(appleStampStateAndRef.ref, basketOfApplesStampStateAndRef.ref)
            .setTimeWindowUntil(Instant.now().plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
            .addSignatories(listOf(myKey, buyer))

        val session = flowMessaging.initiateFlow(buyerName)

        return try {
            // Send the transaction and state to the counterparty and let them sign it
            // Then notarise and record the transaction in both parties' vaults.
            utxoLedgerService.finalize(transaction, listOf(session)).toString()
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            "Flow failed, message: ${e.message}"
package com.r3.developers.apples.workflows

import net.corda.v5.application.flows.CordaInject
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.InitiatedBy
import net.corda.v5.application.flows.ResponderFlow
import net.corda.v5.application.messaging.FlowSession
import net.corda.v5.base.annotations.Suspendable
import net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.UtxoLedgerService

@InitiatedBy(protocol = "redeem-apples")
class RedeemApplesResponderFlow : ResponderFlow {

    lateinit var utxoLedgerService: UtxoLedgerService

    override fun call(session: FlowSession) {
        // Receive, verify, validate, sign and record the transaction sent from the initiator
        utxoLedgerService.receiveFinality(session) { transaction ->
             * [receiveFinality] will automatically verify the transaction and its signatures before signing it.
             * However, just because a transaction is contractually valid doesn't mean we necessarily want to sign.
             * What if we don't want to deal with the counterparty in question, or the value is too high,
             * or we're not happy with the transaction's structure? [UtxoTransactionValidator] (the lambda created
             * here) allows us to define the additional checks. If any of these conditions are not met,
             * we will not sign the transaction - even if the transaction and its signatures are contractually valid.

Follow the Test Your CorDapp tutorial to continue on this learning path.

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