Vault-Named Queries heading-link-icon

Vault-named queries enable you to query the Corda database. The user can define the following:

  • The name of the query
  • The query functionality (the type that the query works on and the WHERE clause)
  • Optional filtering logic of the result set
  • Optional transformation logic of the result set
  • Optional collection logic of the result set

The query creator must follow pre-defined steps so that the query is registered and usable.

This section contains the following:

Each state An immutable object representing a fact known by one or more participants at a specific point in time. You can use states to represent any type of data, and any kind of fact. type can be represented as a pre-defined JSON string (custom_representation column in the database). Use this JSON representation to write the vault-named queries. Implement the net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.query.json.ContractStateVaultJsonFactory<T> interface. The <T> parameter is the type of the state that we want to represent.

For example, a state type called TestState and a simple contract called TestContract, would look like the following:

package com.r3.corda.demo.contract
class TestContract : Contract {
    override fun verify(transaction: UtxoLedgerTransaction) {}
class TestState(
    val testField: String,
    private val participants: List<PublicKey>
) : ContractState {
    override fun getParticipants(): List<PublicKey> = participants
package com.r3.corda.demo.contract;
class TestContract implements Contract {
    public void verify(@NotNull UtxoLedgerTransaction transaction) {}
public class TestState implements ContractState {
    private final List<PublicKey> participants;
    private final String testField;
    public TestState(@NotNull String testField, @NotNull List<PublicKey> participants) {
        this.testField = testField;
        this.participants = participants;
    public List<PublicKey> getParticipants() {
        return new LinkedList<>(this.participants);
    public String getTestField() {
        return testField;

To represent a state as a JSON string, use ContractStateVaultJsonFactory as follows:

class TestStateJsonFactory : ContractStateVaultJsonFactory<TestState> {
    override fun getStateType(): Class<TestState> =
    override fun create(state: TestState, jsonMarshallingService: JsonMarshallingService): String {
        return jsonMarshallingService.format(state)
class TestStateJsonFactory implements ContractStateVaultJsonFactory<TestState> {
    public Class<TestState> getStateType() {
        return TestState.class;
    public String create(@NotNull TestState state, @NotNull JsonMarshallingService jsonMarshallingService) {
        return jsonMarshallingService.format(state);

After the output state finalizes, it is represented as the following in the database (custom_representation column) with a stateRef field stored under the ContractState JSON object:

  "net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.ContractState" : {
    "stateRef": "<TransactionID>:<StateIndex>"
  "com.r3.corda.demo.contract.TestState" : {
    "testField": ""

Use this representation to create the vault-named queries in the next section.

Registration means that the query is stored on sandbox An execution environment within a JVM process that provides isolation for a CorDapp. It shields it from outside threats but it also restricts what it can do so that running potentially dangerous code cannot harm others. creation time and can be executed later. Vault-named queries must be part of a contract CPK. Corda installs the vault-named query when the contract CPK is uploaded. To create and register a query, the net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.query.VaultNamedQueryFactory interface must be implemented.

A simple vault-named query implementation for this TestState would look like this:

class DummyCustomQueryFactory : VaultNamedQueryFactory {
    override fun create(vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory: VaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory) {
                "WHERE visible_states.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.contract.TestState' " +
                        "->> 'testField' = :testField"
public class DummyCustomQueryFactory implements VaultNamedQueryFactory {
    public void create(@NotNull VaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory) {
                        "WHERE visible_states.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.contract.TestState' " +
                                "->> 'testField' = :testField"

The interface called VaultNamesQueryFactory has one method: void create(@NotNull VaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory);.

This function is called during start-up and it defines how a query operates in it with the following steps:

  • To create a vault-named query with a given name, in this case it is DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY, call vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory.create().

  • To define how a query’s WHERE clause will work, call whereJson().

  • To finalize query creation and to store the created query in the registry to be executed later, call register(). This call must be the last step when defining a query.

For example, to add some extra logic to the query:

  • Only keep the results that have “Alice” in their participant list.
  • Transform the result set to only keep the transaction A transaction is a proposal to update the ledger. IDs.
  • Collect the result set into one single integer.

These optional logics are always applied in the following order:

  1. Filtering
  2. Transforming
  3. Collecting

To create a filtering logic, implement the net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.query.VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefFilter<T> interface. The <T> type here is the state type that will be returned from the database, which in this case is TestState. This interface has only one function. This defines whether or not to keep the given element (row) from the result set. Elements returning true are kept and the rest are discarded.

In this example, keep the elements that have “Alice” in their participant list:

class DummyCustomQueryFilter : VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefFilter<TestState> {
    override fun filter(data: StateAndRef<TestState>, parameters: MutableMap<String, Any>): Boolean {
        return data.state.contractState.participantNames.contains("Alice")
class DummyCustomQueryFilter implements VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefFilter<TestState> {
    public Boolean filter(@NotNull StateAndRef<TestState> data, @NotNull Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        return data.getState().getContractState().getParticipantNames().contains("Alice");

To create a transformer class, only keep the transaction IDs of each record. Transformer classes must implement the VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefTransformer<T, R> interface, where:

  • <T> is the type of results returned from the database, which in this case is TestState.
  • <R> is the type to transform the results into.
  • Transaction IDs are specified as Strings.

This interface has one function:

`R transform(@NotNull T data, @NotNull Map<String, Object> parameters);

This defines how each record (“row”) will be transformed (mapped):

class DummyCustomQueryTransformer : VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefTransformer<TestState, String> {
    override fun transform(data: StateAndRef<TestState>, parameters: MutableMap<String, Any>): String {
        return data.ref.transactionId.toString()
class DummyCustomQueryMapper implements VaultNamedQueryStateAndRefTransformer<TestState, String> {
    public String transform(@NotNull StateAndRef<TestState> data, @NotNull Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        return data.getRef().getTransactionId().toString();
This transforms each element to a String object, which is the given state’s transaction ID.

Collecting is used to collect results set into one single integer. For this, implement the net.corda.v5.ledger.utxo.query.VaultNamedQueryCollector<R, T> interface, where:

  • <T> is the type collected into (in this case, an Int).
  • <R> is the type of the original result set (in this case String because of transformation).

This interface has only one method:

Result<T> collect(@NotNull List<R> resultSet, @NotNull Map<String, Object> parameters);

This defines how to collect the result set. The collector class should look like the following:

class DummyCustomQueryCollector : VaultNamedQueryCollector<String, Int> {
    override fun collect(
        resultSet: MutableList<String>,
        parameters: MutableMap<String, Any>
    ): VaultNamedQueryCollector.Result<Int> {
        return VaultNamedQueryCollector.Result(
class DummyCustomQueryCollector implements VaultNamedQueryCollector<String, Integer> {
    public Result<Integer> collect(@NotNull List<String> resultSet, @NotNull Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        return new Result<>(

Register a complex query with a filter, a transformer, and a collector with the following example:

class DummyCustomQueryFactory : VaultNamedQueryFactory {
    override fun create(vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory: VaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory) {
                "WHERE visible_states.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.contract.TestState' " +
                        "->> 'testField' = :testField"
public class JsonQueryFactory implements VaultNamedQueryFactory {
    public void create(@NotNull VaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory vaultNamedQueryBuilderFactory) {
                        "WHERE visible_states.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.contract.TestState' " +
                                "->> 'testField' = :testField"
                .filter(new DummyCustomQueryFilter())
                .map(new DummyCustomQueryMapper())
                .collect(new DummyCustomQueryCollector())

To execute a query use UtxoLedgerService. This can be injected to a flow Communication between participants in an application network is peer-to-peer using flows. via @CordaInject. To instantiate a query call the following:

utxoLedgerService.query("DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY", Integer.class)

Provide the name of the query (in this case DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY) and the return type. Since the result set is collected into an integer in the complex query example, use Int (or Integer in Java). Before executing, define the following:

  • How many results each page of the query should return (setLimit). The default value is Int.MAX (2,147,483,647).
  • Named parameters that are in the query and the actual value for them (setParameter or setParameters). All parameters must be defined, otherwise the execution will fail.
  • An upper limit (setTimestampLimit) to only return states that were inserted before a given time. Each state in the database has a timestamp value for when it was inserted.

It is not necessary to call ParameterizedQuery.setOffset as the query pages the results based on each state’s created timestamp.

In this case it would look like this:

val resultSet = utxoLedgerService.query("DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY", // Instantiate the query
            .setLimit(1000) // Only return 1000 records per page
            .setParameter("testField", "dummy") // Set the parameter to a dummy value
            .setCreatedTimestampLimit( // Set the timestamp limit to the current time
            .execute() // execute the query
PagedQuery.ResultSet<Integer> resultSet = utxoLedgerService.query("DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY", Integer.class) // Instantiate the query
                .setLimit(1000) // Only return 1000 records per page
                .setParameter("testField", "dummy") // Set the parameter to a dummy value
                .setCreatedTimestampLimit( // Set the timestamp limit to the current time
                .execute(); // execute the query

Results can be acquired by calling getResults() on the ResultSet. Call hasNext() to check if there are more results to retrieve and next() to move onto the next page:

val resultSet = utxoLedgerService.query("DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY", // Instantiate the query
            .setLimit(1000) // Only return 1000 records
            .setParameter("testField", "dummy") // Set the parameter to a dummy value
            .setCreatedTimestampLimit( // Set the timestamp limit to the current time
var results = resultSet.results
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
    results =
ResultSet<Integer> resultSet = utxoLedgerService.query("DUMMY_CUSTOM_QUERY", Integer.class) // Instantiate the query
                .setLimit(1000) // Only return 1000 records
                .setParameter("testField", "dummy") // Set the parameter to a dummy value
                .setCreatedTimestampLimit( // Set the timestamp limit to the current time
List<Integer> results = resultSet.getResults();
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
    results =;

The following are the standard operators for vault-named queries:

  • IN
  • LIKE
  • AS
  • OR
  • AND
  • !=
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • ->
  • ->>
  • ?
  • ::

Where the behavior is not standard, the operators are explained with examples in the following table:

OperatorRight Operand TypeDescriptionExample
->IntGets JSON array element.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.ArrayObjState' -> 0
For example, for the following JSON:
  "com.r3.corda.demo.ArrayObjState": [
    {"A": 1},
    {"B": 2}

the following is returned:

  "A": 1
->TextGets JSON object field.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.TestState' selects the top-level JSON field called com.r3.corda.demo.TestState from the JSON object in the custom_representation database column.
For example, for the following JSON:
  "com.r3.corda.demo.TestState": {
    "testField": "ABC"

the following is returned:

  "testField": "ABC"
->>IntGet JSON array element as text.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.ArrayState' ->> 2 selects the third element (indexing from 0) of the array type top-level JSON field called com.r3.corda.demo.ArrayState from the JSON object in the custom_representation database column.
For example, 7 is returned for the following JSON:
  "com.r3.corda.demo.ArrayState": [
    5, 6, 7
->>TextGet JSON object field as text.custom_representation -> 'com.r3.corda.demo.TestState' ->> 'testField' selects the `testField` JSON field from the top-level JSON object called com.r3.corda.demo.TestState in the custom_representation database column.
For example, ABC is returned for the following JSON:
  "com.r3.corda.demo.TestState": {
    "testField": "ABC"
?TextChecks if JSON object field exists.custom_representation ? 'com.r3.corda.demo.TestState' checks if the object in the custom_representation database column has a top-level field called com.r3.corda.demo.TestState.
For example, true is returned for the following JSON:
  "com.r3.corda.demo.TestState": {
    "testField": "ABC"
::A type, for example, Int.Casts the element/object field to the specified type.(visible_states.field ->> property)::int = 1234

If you frequently query states based on data inside their JSON representation (custom_representation), adding a JSON index can significantly improve query performance. When large volumes of states are stored in the vault, the lack of an index on frequently queried JSON fields can cause slower throughput in flows.

For example, if you commonly query a field named identifier inside com.example.token.states.FungibleToken, you might consider an index like the following on PostgreSQL (adjust the path and table name for your actual state and schema):

CREATE INDEX utxo_transaction_output_idx_custom_jsonb_token_identifier 
 ON vnode_vault_{holdingidentityshorthash}.utxo_visible_transaction_output 
 ((custom_representation -> 'com.example.token.states.FungibleToken' ->> 'identifier'));

Consult your database documentation for additional JSON indexing strategies and performance tuning.

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