Membership Worker

The membership worker is responsible for the processing of application network The set of all possible entities onboarded according to the rules of the network. Application networks enable people and businesses to interact with each other on Corda. functionality either on behalf of an MGM Membership Group Manager. May also be referred to as the Network Manager. It is a virtual node and Corda identity that acts as a central registrar for group membership. , a network member Corda identity that has been granted admission to a membership group. Synonym for a virtual node or group member. , or both. For an MGM, examples of this application functionality include:
- handling incoming registration requests
- network management
- ensuring the network participants are all in sync with the latest network data
For a network member, examples include:
- registering with an MGM to join a network
- managing network data sent from the MGM
- periodically syncing network data with the MGM
The timer metrics of the membership worker focus on the areas mentioned above. Specifically, the timer metrics cover:
- each stage of registration on both the MGM and membership side
- general membership actions (which at the moment only include the distribution of network data by the MGM)
- synchronisation of network data handling on both the MGM and member sides
These metrics are tagged with the name of the handler so that you can observe at a low-level exactly where time is spent across different processes. These handler names are tagged as the operation name. They are also tagged with the short hash ID and the group ID of the virtual node The combination of the context of a user and the ephemeral compute instances created to progress a transaction on that identity's behalf. the operation is performed on behalf of in order to determine if certain virtual nodes or groups are taking longer than others to process.
The membership worker also includes a single gauge metric which shows the size of the network member list held in memory at any point. It is useful to compare any changes in the performance returned by the timer metrics to the size of the member list at the time to see if timings could be impacted by a growing network. The gauge metrics are also tagged by virtual node short hash and group ID so that it is possible to see the overall size of the member lists held in memory but also view it per application network.
Metric | Type | Tags | Description |
corda_membership_actions_handler_time_seconds | Timer |
| The time spent on membership actions. |
corda_membership_registration_handler_time_seconds | Timer |
| Registration is broken down into a series of stages, each with its own handler. This metric measures the time taken to execute each stage. |
corda_membership_sync_handler_time_seconds | Timer |
| Measures how long it takes for each stage of synchronisation to complete. Synchronisation is split between different handler stages. It is processed on the MGM side and the network data package in constructed, and on the member side it is validated and persisted. |
membership_memberlist_cache_size | Gauge |
| Gauge of the member list cache size to monitor how the cache size grows or shrinks. |
: The name of the operation that the metric is related to. For example,DistributeMemberInfo
, and so
: The membership group ID of the virtual node performing an operation or being monitored. It can also appear asnot_applicable
when a membership group identifier is not accessible when the metric was collected.virtualnode
: The virtual node short hash of the virtual node performing an operation or being monitored. This can also appear asnot_applicable
when a virtual node identifier was not accessible when the metric was collected.
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