
Configuration schema for the messaging section. This configures the interactions of the workers with the underlying message bus.
- Settings for the underlying bus implementation. Sets up connection details and how underlying bus objects behave.busType
- The type of bus implementation. This must be set to one of the following values:- KAFKA
is set toKAFKA
, you should also set the following fields:common
- Kafka properties that are common to both consumers and producers. For example, connection information such as SSL details.
is set toDATABASE
, you should also set the following fields:consumer
- The maximum number of records to poll from the database in a single poll.
Default value: 100
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 100000
- The JDBC database URL.pass
- The cluster admin password to connect to the database with.user
- The cluster admin username to connect to the database with.
- The maximum size, in bytes, for messages. Corda breaks messages exceeding this size into smaller messages before sending. This value must be lower than the maximum message size configured on the message bus itself. If the Corda configuration value is set to a value higher than that of the message bus, messages will not be sent. Note: one exception to this rule is that flow start request bodies must not exceed 50% of this value.
Default value: 972800
Minimum value: 512000
Maximum value: 8388608
- Settings for publishers that write messages to the underlying bus.closeTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds that Corda waits when closing underlying bus objects.
Minimum value: 100.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 600.transactional
- Specifies if the publisher should send records as part of transactions. Set to false to send records asynchronously.
Default value: true.
- Settings for subscriptions that process messages on the underlying bus.commitRetries
- The number of times Corda attempts to commit a transaction before throwing back to the client.
Minimum value: 0.
Maximum value: 1000.
Default value: 3.mediator
- Settings for the multi source mediatorminPoolRecordCount
- The minimum number of events in a single mediator processing pool. If the number of records polled is less than this, then the polled records are used in a single pool.
Minimum value: 1.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 20.pollTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds that the mediator pattern consumers wait for a response from the bus when calling poll.
Minimum value: 10.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 50.poolSize
- The size of the mediator event processing pool size.
Minimum value: 1.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 8.processorTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds the mediator will wait for a single group of events to process. This value should be set to less than the consumer config value, which by default is 5 minutes.
Minimum value: 1000.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 120000.pollTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds that Corda waits for a response from the bus when calling poll.
Minimum value: 100.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 500.processorRetries
- The number of times Corda retries internal intermittent failures before throwing back to the client.
Minimum value: 0.
Maximum value: 1000.
Default value: 3.processorTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds that Corda waits for an individual event to process. This is applied if the subscription must also maintain a state that needs to be periodically serviced. If using KAFKA as the message bus. This value needs to be set lower than the kafka consumer config value.
Minimum value: 1000.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 15000.subscribeRetries
- The number of times Corda attempts to subscribe to the underlying bus before throwing back to the client.
Minimum value: 0.
Maximum value: 1000.
Default value: 3.threadStopTimeout
- The length of time in milliseconds that Corda waits for the subscription processing thread to terminate on close.
Minimum value: 100.
Maximum value: 2147483647.
Default value: 10000.
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