Managing Pre-Authentication Tokens

Creating a Token

To create a pre-auth token for a member, use the mgm/{holdingidentityshorthash}/preauthtoken POST method of the REST API.
For example, for the member O=Alice, L=London, C=GB
curl -k -u $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD -X POST -d '{"ownerX500Name": "O=Alice, L=London, C=GB"}' $REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken" -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{
ownerX500Name = "O=Alice, L=London, C=GB"
This token is tied to the specified X.500 A series of international standards defining a global directory service protocol for computer networks. It provides a structured framework for storing, accessing, and managing information about network resources and users in a hierarchical and distributed manner. name and only a registering member with the same X.500 name can consume that token.
You can also pass the following optional properties when creating a token:
- time-to-live — specifies a duration after which the token will no longer be valid. This duration is submitted in the ISO-8601 duration format (PnDTnHnMn.nS). For example, PT15M (15 minutes), P4D (4 days), P1DT2H2M (1 day, 2 hours, and 2 minutes). The specified duration is added to the current time when the request to create the token is submitted to calculate the time after which the token is no longer valid. If no time-to-live value is submitted, the token only expires after it is consumed or revoked.
- remark — a user-defined string stored along with the token to provide additional information about the token creation.
Viewing Tokens

To retrieve all valid pre-auth tokens, use the mgm/{holdingidentityshorthash}/preauthtoken GET method. A valid token is one that has not been consumed, revoked, or expired.
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken"
This method returns the rules in the following format:
"creationRemark": "string",
"id": "string",
"ownerX500Name": "string",
"removalRemark": "string",
"status": "REVOKED",
"ttl": "2022-06-24T10:15:30Z"
You can also pass the following optional properties to filter or expand the search results:
- ownerX500Name — the X.500 name of the member who the token was issued for. This is passed as a URL query parameter with the full URL encoded X.500 name.
- preauthtokenid — the ID of a specific token to look up.
- viewinactive — set this to
to include consumed, revoked, or expired tokens. If this is set to false, only tokens that are active and ready to use are returned.
These optional parameters can be used in any combination. The following is an example of all parameters used together:
curl -k -u $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD $REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/reauthtoken?viewInactive=true&preAuthTokenId='$TOKEN_ID'&ownerX500Name='$OWNER_X500
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/reauthtoken?viewInactive=true&preAuthTokenId=$TOKEN_ID&ownerX500Name=$OWNER_X500"
Revoking Tokens

To revoke a pre-auth token, pass the ID of the token to the mgm/{holdingidentityshorthash}/preauthtoken/revoke/{preauthtokenid} PUT method. You can retrieve the ID of a token from the response of creating the token, or from the response of the GET method described in Viewing Tokens. This prevents the token from being used. Any registrations submitted with a revoked token are automatically declined.
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Put -Uri "$REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken/revoke/<TOKEN-ID>"
Optionally, you can submit a remark with the action to revoke the token. This will be stored with the token and visible when viewing tokens for future reference. To include a remark, include a body in the request. For example:
curl -k -u $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD -X PUT -d '{"remarks":"Additional authentication required."}' $REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken/revoke/$TOKEN_ID
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Put -Uri "$REST_API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/preauthtoken/revoke/<TOKEN-ID>" -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{
remarks = "Additional authentication required."
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