database heading-link-icon

This section lists the Corda CLI A command line tool that supports various Corda-related tasks, including Corda Package Installer (CPI) creation and Corda cluster management. database arguments. You can use these commands to manually perform setup actions in the database, as described in the Manual Bootstrapping section.

specGenerates the database schema from Liquibase.
-c, --clear-change-logDeletes the changelog CSV in the PWD to force generation of the SQL files.
-g, ---generate-schema-sqlThe list of schemas to create. Specify schemas in the form schema-type:schema-name, where schema-type is one of the following: config, messagebus, rbac, or crypto. For example, use config:my-config-schema,crypto:my-crypto-schema to create config tables in a schema called my-config-schema and crypto tables in a schema called my-crypto-schema. Any schemas not specified take the default name, which is the same as schema-type. To create schemas using all default names, pass "" as the value. If not specified, the generated SQL files do not create schemas and it is the responsibility of the database administrator to apply these files to the correct schema.
-l, --locationThe path to write the generated DML files to.
--jdbc-urlThe JDBC URL of the database. If not specified, the generation runs in offline mode.
-p, --passwordThe database password.
-s, --schemasThe list of SQL files to generate. If not specified, files for all schemas are generated.
-u, --userThe database user.

For example, the following command generates the files for all schemas in the directory /tmp/db: database spec -c -l /tmp/db
corda-cli.cmd database spec -c -l /tmp/db

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