Workers heading-link-icon

Corda 5 introduces a distributed architecture for the Corda runtime that is based on worker processes. There are different types of worker processors which each have their own operational responsibility and, because each worker is stateless, it is possible to scale horizontally.

Corda Workers

Currently, Corda uses the following types of workers:

Workers are typically referred to in the plural form because they are designed to be deployed with multiple replicas (for example, Kubernetes replica sets) to achieve high availability. Each worker instance is stateless, and work in the cluster is distributed to all available workers of a particular type. The number of replica workers needed is a function of the desired throughput and availability. Workers are made available as container images and R3 recommend deploying them to Kubernetes A powerful tool for managing containerized applications at scale, making it easier for teams to deploy and manage their applications with high reliability and efficiency. via a Helm chart.

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