Signing Packages with a Custom Certificate

As described in Build a CPB and Build a CPK, the Gradle plugin uses, by default, a development certificate to sign a CPB or CPK package.
However, you can configure the plugin to use a custom certificate using the cordapp signing
section of the Gradle plugin:
curl -k -u $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD -X PUT -F alias="your-key" -F [email protected] https://localhost:8888/api/v5_1/certificate/cluster/code-signer
cordapp {
signing {
enabled = (true | false)
options {
alias = 'The alias to sign under'
storePassword = 'Keystore password'
keyStore = 'Keystore location'
storeType= 'Keystore type (PKCS12 | JKS)'
keyPassword = 'Password for private key (if different)'
signatureFileName = '$alias'
verbose = 'Verbose output when signing (true | false)'
strict = 'Strict checking when signing (true | false)'
internalSF = 'Include the .SF file inside the signature block (true | false)'
sectionsOnly = 'Don't compute hash of entire manifest (true | false)'
lazy = 'Flag to control whether the presence of a signature file means a JAR is signed (true | false)'
maxMemory = 'Specifies the maximum memory the jarsigner JVM will use'
preserveLastModified = 'Give the signed files the same last modified time as the original jar files (true | false)'
tsaUrl = 'Timestamp server URL'
tsaCert = 'Alias in the keystore for a timestamp authority for timestamped JAR files in Java 5+'
tsaProxyHost = 'TSA proxy server'
tsaProxyPort = 'TSA proxy server port'
executable = 'Path to alternate jarsigner'
force = 'Force signing of the JAR file even if it doesn't seem to be out of date or already signed (true | false)'
signatureAlgorithm = 'Name of the signature algorithm'
digestAlgorithm = 'Name of the digest algorithm '
tsaDigestAlgorithm = 'Name of the TSA digest algorithm'
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