
Just like a regular application, your CorDapp Corda Distributed Application. A Java (or any JVM targeting language) application built using the Corda build toolchain and CorDapp API to solve some problem that is best solved in a decentralized manner. must be packaged for distribution and installation. Corda takes a three-layered model to its packaging design to allow maximum reusability and portability:
- Corda Package (CPK): Represents a single code-entity authored by a CorDapp Developer. CPKs are the Corda equivalent of a software library. They represent testable, reusable, sub-components of a final application. See Build a CPK.
- Corda Package Bundle (CPB): Built using a collection of CPKs, which represents a full application. CPBs are complete applications minus the “run time information” needed to onboard entities into it. CPBs represent the final efforts of the development team, a discrete and testable application, encapsulating the solution to a problem that can be deployed to form an application network The set of all possible entities onboarded according to the rules of the network. Application networks enable people and businesses to interact with each other on Corda. . See Build a CPB.
- Corda Package Installer (CPI): Contains the CPB and information about the network. The Network Operator builds this when onboarding members.
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