Rules for X.500 Member Names

Each virtual node The combination of the context of a user and the ephemeral compute instances created to progress a transaction on that identity's behalf. within an application network The set of all possible entities onboarded according to the rules of the network. Application networks enable people and businesses to interact with each other on Corda. is uniquely identified by its X.500 A series of international standards defining a global directory service protocol for computer networks. It provides a structured framework for storing, accessing, and managing information about network resources and users in a hierarchical and distributed manner. distinguished name. The rules for a valid X.500 name in Corda are the following:
- The string specified must use the grammar defined in RFC 1779 or RFC 2253.
- The only supported attributes are CN, OU, O, L, ST, and C.
- Attributes cannot be duplicated and must have a single value.
- The attributes O, L, and C are mandatory.
- The Organization attribute (O) cannot be blank and must be less than 128 characters.
- The Locality attribute (L) cannot be blank and must be less than 64 characters.
- The Country attribute (C) cannot be blank and must be an ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code or “ZZ” to indicate unspecified country.
- If specified, the State attribute (ST) cannot be blank and must be less than 64 characters.
- If specified, the Organization Unit attribute (OU) cannot be blank and must be less than 64 characters.
- If specified, the Common Name attribute (CN) cannot be blank and must be less than 64 characters.
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