Setting the State of Virtual Nodes

A virtual node can have one of the following states:
— normal operational mode.MAINTENANCE
— maintenance mode. This mode disables all operational statuses:flowOperationalStatus
— a virtual node’s ability to start new flows.flowP2pOperationalStatus
— a virtual node’s ability to communicate with peers.flowStartOperationalStatus
— a virtual node’s ability to run flows, to have checkpoints, and to continue in-progress flows.vaultDbOperationalStatus
— a virtual node’s ability to perform persistence operations on the virtual node’s vault A database containing all data from the ledger relevant to a participant. The database tracks spent and unspent (consumed and unconsumed) states. .
A virtual node in maintenance mode does not allow the starting or running of flows. Any activity for existing flows causes the flow to be killed and marked with a flow status of
. Counterparty flows fail with an error message indicating that a peer is in maintenance. This state allows virtual node operators to have a static vault with which they can take backups before performing potentially destructive operations such as a virtual node upgrade for migrations. Changing a virtual node’s state back to active requires that the virtual node has executed all migrations in the currently associated CPI Corda Package Installer. A signed ZIP/JAR combination of a CPB and a Group Policy File that defines not only the application code that a virtual node will run, but also the details of the MGM with which to register, and the details of network PKI requirements. . This prevents a virtual node from becoming operational while migrations are in progress during a virtual node upgrade.
You can put an operational virtual node into maintenance mode, or return a node from maintenance to active mode, using the PUT method of the api/v1/virtualnode/<virtualnodeshortid>/state/<newstate>
endpoint :
curl -k -u $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD -X PUT $REST_API_URL/api/v5_1/virtualnode/<virtualnodeshortid>/state/<newstate>
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $REST_API_USER:$REST_API_PASSWORD)} -Method PUT -Uri $REST_API_URL/api/v5_1virtualnode/<virtualnodeshortid>/state/<newstate>
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